

SerialPicModelFactoryNotes    (click note to toggle full text)
AB874 Vb CBAF 37MU 9-8-41 452S 18-8-41 Missing nr Amiens FACE 20-9-41 SOC 23-9-41
AB283 Vb HPA FF 23-12-41 8MU 24-12-41 72S 'RN-F' 2-1-42 FACB 10-2-42 ASTH 411S 19-5-42 FACE 14-12-42 FH256.05
AB892 Vb CBAF 45MU 22-8-41 315S 30-8-41 Tyre burst on take-off swung on landing and tipped up Woodvale 21-4-42 recat E SOC 30-4-42
AB300 PRIV HEA FF 26-11-41 5MU 30-11-41 Benson 17-1-42 packed for overseas Middle East 2PRU 1-3-42 Malta 1-4-42 69S Engine lost power on PR mission over Sicily abandoned nr Agrigento 19-9-42 SOC 20-9-42
AB893 Vb CBAF 12MU 14-8-41 72S 20-8-41 Abandoned after engine problems on return from sweep 19m E of Dungeness 8-11-41
AB301 PRIV HEA FF 30-11-41 5MU 5-12-41 FACB 17-12-41 HAL 1PRU 5-4-42 Missing from PR mission to Lilbeck 30-7-42
AB894 Vb CBAF 9MU 6-8-41 CBAF 21-8-41 452S 20-9-41 CE ops 18-12-41 AST VASM 31-8-42 fuel syst mods RAE 1-43 Ftr Command VHF aerial trials Missing on shipping recce off French coast 8-3-43 FH166.30 P/O J G Johnson killed
AB302 PRIV HEA FF 30-11-41 5MU 4-12-41 1PRU 3-1-42 CAC ops 15-2-42 541S 30-9-42 8OTU 21-6-43 VASM 31-12-43 external sump wing oil tank SOC 26-3-45
AB303 PRIV HEA FF 30-11-41 5MU 5-12-41 1PRU 31-1-42 542S 30-9-42 309FTU FAAC 4-11-43 Benson 23-12-43 8OTU 7-1-44 SOC 16-3-45
AB896 Vb CBAF 45MU 10-8-41 71S 27-8-41 403S 31-12-41 131S 10-5-42 5USAAF 5-9-42 215MU 7-11-42 Baron Inchcape 18-12-42 USSR 24-3-43
AB304 PRIV HEA FF 5-12-41 5MU 7-12-41 Benson 28-1-42 packed for overseas Middle East 2PRU 19-3-42 Gibraltar Hit by Wellington DV517 while parked Gibraltar FACE 1-4-42
AB897 Vb CBAF 6MU 20-8-41 71S 26-8-41 SOC 20-10-41 71S 31-12-41 FAAC 2-4-42 ros 5USAAF 5-9-42 VASM 2-5-43 fuel syst mods wing stiff 317S 2-7-43 402S 12-10-43 air collision with AA880 21-3-44 Shot down by flak over Normandy 10-6-44
AB305 PRIV HEA FF 5-12-41 (Y camera) 6MU 7-12-41 1PRU 17-1-42 CB ops 13-3-42 HAL 3-9-42 M46 install mods CA ops 16-9-42 541S 30-9-42 140S TAF 24-12-42 HAL 28-9-43 M45 install 4S 5-3-44 41S 15-5-44 CE 8-12-44 SOC 15-5-45
AB898 Vb CBAF 45MU 15-8-41 315S 30-8-41 GAL 26-5-42 HAL 11-12-42 411S 17-4-43 CAC ops 25-6-43 ros 125AF 10-8-43 341S 17-10-43 USAAF 9-5-44 SOC 29-11-45
AB306 PRIV HEA FF 6-12-41 (W camera) 6MU 7-12-41 Benson 26-8-42 1PRU 14-9-42 543S 30-9-42 AAEE 16-12-42 trials with mods constant-speed unit and DeH Hydromatic prop 521S 5-1-43 FACB 24-3-43 1OADU 14-8-43 India 7-10-43 SOC 26-4-45
Source: Andrew Pentland's Spitfire Production Site (with permission). Status is our own field - we rely on users to modify