

SerialPicModelFactoryNotes    (click note to toggle full text)
P9445 Ia EA FF 2-4-40 8MU 5-4-40 92S 23-5-40 50OTU 20-7-40 53OTU into sea off Southendown Glam 5-10-41
R6900 Ia EA FF 6-7-40 ANMP RAE 6-7-40 Cv PRIII Type C fuel syst trials 1PRU 17-9-40 damaged by bombs 19-9-40 R-RH 27-3-41 M45 install 1PRU 17-4-41 CB HAL 11-1-42 Cv PRIV 8OTU 30-7-42 CB 25-1-43 FACB 4-10-43 HAL SOC 15-3-45
P9446 Ia EA FF 3-4-40 8MU 5-4-40 54S 1-6-40 damaged ops Sgt Mould landing Manston safe 10-7-40 GAL 602S damaged by Ju88 nr Beachy Head P/O Hart safe 12-10-40 234S 8-11-40 FACB 8-2-41 AST 52OTU 16-5-42 eng fire aircraft abandoned cra... ...
R6901 Ia EA FF 6-7-40 6MU 7-7-40 54S 13-7-40 Missing off Flamborough Head believed lost due to radio failure and ditched P/O Krepsi missing 7-9-40
P9447 Ia EA FF 3-4-40 8MU 5-4-40 64S 2-6-40 RAE 6-40 41S 17-9-40 shot down by Bf109 nr West Kingsdown P/O Lecky abandoned aircraft killed 11-10-40
R6902 Ia EA FF 8-7-40 PDU HAL 9-7-40 Cv PRIV Type F PRU St.Eval 7-40 R-RH 10-3-41 M45 install HAL 26-4-41 DGRD RAE 22-5-41 camera trials 3PRU Oakington 7-6-41 1PRU 21-7-41 PDU HAL 13-10-41 Cv PRVI FAAC 26-7-42 SOC 22-3-45
P9449 Ia EA FF 4-4-40 8MU 8-4-40 64S 2-6-40 Shot down by Bf109s Hailsham Sussex 5-7-40 [22-10-40] to 2119M
R6904 Ia EA FF 8-7-40 (CMG) 6MU 10-7-40 cannon wing fitt 19S 13-7-40 VA 25-8-40 Cv Vb AFDU Northolt 27-9-40 19S 30-10-40 service trials 92S 22-1-41 R-RH 16-2-41 M45 install AST 25-7-41 615S 24-9-41 65S 6-10-41 121S 9-1-42 FAAC 2-6-4... ...
R6905 Ia EA FF 8-7-40 HAL PDU 9-7-40 Cv PRIV PRU St.Eval HAL 3-6-41 Cv V parts supplied by R-R M45 fitted 1PRU 9-8-41 1401Flt 11-8-41 521S 4-8-42 80OTU 11-4-43 Cv PRVI Type F SOC 22-3-45
P9451 Ia EA FF 5-4-40 8MU 8-4-40 610S 2-6-40 damaged by Bf109 crash-landed Sandwich P/O Gardiner injured 25-8-40 GAL Crashed at Eglingham Northumberland C3 11-12-40 SOC 27-12-40
R6906 Ia EA FF 9-7-40 PDU 13-7-40 HAL 13-7-40 Cv PRIII Type C 1PRU Benson 13-7-40 shot down by Bf109 over Boulogne 18-1-41
P9452 Ia EA FF 5-4-40 8MU 8-4-40 610S 2-6-40 RAE 7-40 'DW-T' Shot down by Bf109 off Calais 18-7-40 P/O Litchfield killed
R6907 Ia EA FF 9-7-40 152S 10-8-40 Dived into ground nr Blandford Dorset believed due to anoxia 29-11-40 SOC 16-1-41
P9453 Ia EA FF 6-4-40 8MU 10-4-40 HAL 22-4-40 Cv PRIV Type C 212S France E Flt PRU for experimental flts with F/Lt Longbottom and Dr Hislop 7-40 Missing on low altitude recce off Belgian coast 14-9-40 FH22.20
P9454 Ia EA FF 6-4-40 8MU 8-4-40 92S 4-6-40 engine failed force-landed in bog nr Cardiff P/O Bartley safe 5-7-40 1CRU 65S 26-8-40 shot down over Tilehurst Sussex aircraft abandoned dbf 1-12-40
Source: Andrew Pentland's Spitfire Production Site (with permission). Status is our own field - we rely on users to modify