

SerialPicModelFactoryNotes    (click note to toggle full text)
R6630 Ia EA FF 24-5-40 24MU 27-5-40 610S 'DW-X' 31-5-40 shot down by Bf109 off Calais Sgt Neville killed 11-8-40
R6632 Ia EA FF 25-5-40 24MU 28-5-40 616S 31-5-40 damaged nr Dungeness force-landed P/O Walker injured C2 26-8-40 Cunliffe-Owen 130S 7-9-41 132S 12-9-41 52OTU 28-10-41 FACB 19-7-42 12GCF 7-11-42 SOC 26-4-45
R6633 Ia EA FF 26-5-40 12MU 28-5-40 616S 1-6-40 shot down by Bf109 nr Dungeness P/O Marples injured 26-8-40
R6634 Ia EA FF 26-5-40 24MU 30-5-40 609S 4-6-40 Damaged by return fire from Ju88 and abandoned 5m off Swanage Dorset 18-7-40
R6636 Ia EA FF 27-5-40 24MU 30-5-40 609S 'PR-F' 4-6-40 shot down by Ju88 force-landed Studland Beach F/O Edge safe C2 18-7-40 SOC 26-7-40 to 2139M 2SoTT 19-8-42 409ATC 15-11-43
R6637 Ia EA FF 27-5-40 24MU 30-5-40 609S 'PR-Q' 4-6-40 Missing from interception off Portland Bill F/O Drummond-Hay killed 9-7-40
R6638 Ia EA FF 27-5-40 24MU 30-5-40 611S 6-6-40 damaged ops 20-6-40 Westland 222S 8-9-40 shot down by Bf109 force-landed P/O Assheton safe C2 11-9-40 123S 30-5-41 58OTU 2-10-41 engine failed lost wing landing nr Ladybank Fife CE 29-... ...
R6640 Ia EA FF 28-5-40 38MU 31-5-40 5OTU 5-6-40 Caught fire and crashlanded at Kemble FAC3 1-7-40 SOC 6-7-40
R6641 Ia EA FF 28-5-40 38MU 31-5-40 610S 13-8-40 C2 ops 24-8-40 AST SOC 18-4-45
R6642 Ia EA FF 29-5-40 38MU 31-5-40 92S 26-9-40 FTR after combat with Bf109 over Thames Estuary Sgt Parker killed 15-10-40 FH20.20
R6643 Ia EA FF 29-5-40 38MU 31-5-40 64S 26-7-40 damaged by Ju87 over St.Margarets Bay force-landed Sgt Binham safe C3 29-7-40 AST 152S 23-9-40 58OTU Missing on training flight 10-4-41 not found
R6644 Ia EA FF 30-5-40 DEL 31-5-40 308S 23-3-41 Caught fire and abandoned Madresfield nr Gt.Malvern Worcs 11-5-41
R6683 Ia EA FF 30-5-40 64S Leconfield 26-7-40 damaged landing Catterick Sgt Goodwin safe 22-9-40 64S Crashed in sea on patrol off Flamborough Head Yorks Sgt Vinyard killed 6-10-40 FH124
R6684 Ia EA FF 30-5-40 38MU 31-5-40 5OTU 5-6-40 FA 1-7-40 Westland 222S 19-12-40 53OTU 30-3-41 AST 18-6-41 Cv II MXII 64S 14-8-41 611S 12-11-41 52OTU 23-3-42 FACB 30-5-42 1CRU 57OTU 14-9-42 53OTU 18-7-43 5PAFU 4-11-44 ASTH 15-5-45
R6685 Ia EA FF 3-6-40 38MU 7-6-40 222S 6-9-40 132S 14-9-40 R-R 19-10-40 Crashed after collision Hormond Hill Strichen Aberdeen FACE 18-9-41 SOC 7-10-41
Source: Andrew Pentland's Spitfire Production Site (with permission). Status is our own field - we rely on users to modify