

SerialPicModelFactoryNotes    (click note to toggle full text)
P7731 IIa CBAF 6MU 2-12-40 421Flt 3-1-41 501S 24-5-41 Shot down by Bf109 Cherbourg 6-8-41 FH181.25 Sgt Beecham killed
P8097 IIa CBAF 9MU 23-3-41 152S 21-4-41 66S 130S 17-7-41 123S 4-11-41 66S 17-12-41 FAAC 7-2-42 61OTU 9-7-42 FACB 30-1-43 CRD CGS 25-5-43 61OTU 18-3-44 CE 14-8-44
P7732 IIa CBAF 6MU 7-12-40 65S 12-1-41 616S 26-2-41 1CRU 21-5-41 19S 7-9-41 331S 8-11-41 FACE 11-4-42 SOC 5-6-42 Scottish Aviation 21-2-43 Cv V M45 58OTU 13-3-43 6MU 31-12-43 Cv ASRIIc 276S 18-1-44 RAE 23-11-44 air cleaner trials EA an... ...
P7733 IIa CBAF 6MU 4-12-40 65S 12-1-41 Shot down by Bf109s on sweep off Cap Gris Nez 5-2-41 Sgt Orchard killed
P7734 IIa CBAF 6MU 4-12-40 66S 14-2-41 609S 24-2-41 damaged by Bf109 off Dungeness C2 8-5-41 1CRU 9-5-41 damaged ops 21-5-41 71S 10-8-41 504S 3-11-41 58OTU 15-2-42 FACB 18-3-42 Scottish Aviation 31-3-42 Cv ASRIIc 5-44 277S 18-5-44 ? HA... ...
P8130 IIa CBAF 8MU 6-4-41 303S 22-4-41 452S 4-6-41 Crashed on take-off Sutton Bridge FACE 11-6-41 SOC 16-6-41
P7735 IIa CBAF 6MU 21-12-40 421Flt 3-1-41 91S destroyed on ground Hawkinge by Bf109 4-2-41 SOC 10-2-41
P7736 IIa CBAF 8MU 7-12-40 65S 12-1-41 616S 26-2-41 Shot down on ground attack mission to Maupertus airfield 24-4-41 FH70.53 Sgt McDevette killed
P7737 IIa CBAF 8MU 5-12-40 610S 17-12-40 FAC2 19-12-40 AST 145S 28-3-41 air collision with P7493 over Tangmere pilot killed 21-5-41 SOC 29-5-41 FH42.50
P8133 IIa CBAF 37MU 13-3-41 266S 26-3-41 121S 19-10-41 340S 'GW-D' 23-11-41 53OTU 20-4-42 spun into ground nr Llanbirt Glam CE 25-4-42
P7738 IIa CBAF 8MU 2-12-40 41S 12-12-40 54S 22-2-41 damaged C1 by AA fire 17-4-41 AST 71S 12-8-41 401S 12-9-41 316S 13-10-41 306S 12-12-41 52OTU 23-2-42 ADGB CommSqn engine failed wheels up landing New House Farm Denham Middx CE 5-9-44... ...
P8134 IIb CBAF DGRD AAEE 12-3-41 9MU 14-5-41 58OTU 14-8-42 53OTU 21-6-43 1CRU ros 24-3-44 SOC 14-12-45
P8135 IIb CBAF 6MU 14-3-41 66S 22-4-41 CAC ops 5-5-41 145S 20-6-41 306S 8-7-41 308S 14-7-41 222S 14-8-41 64S 29-8-41 611S 12-11-41 57OTU 16-1-43 FAAC 8-2-44 SOC 30-12-44
P7740 IIa CBAF 8MU 5-12-40 74S 28-12-40 hit windsock landing Manston 21-4-41 AST 29-4-41
P7741 IIa CBAF 8MU 7-12-40 74S 28-12-40 Shot down by Bf109 while escorting Blenheims over Boulogne 2-2-41 FH8.50 S/Ldr Michelmore killed
Source: Andrew Pentland's Spitfire Production Site (with permission). Status is our own field - we rely on users to modify