

SerialPicModelFactoryNotes    (click note to toggle full text)
RB151 XIV EA FF 30-11-43 33MU 4-12-43 610S 16-1-44 1CRU 'Gem' mods 19-5-44 610S CAC ops 19-9-44 ros 39MU 21-3-46 nea 26-2-51 to 6841M 2-7-51
RR263 LFXVI CBAF MU 14-10-44 ? 66S broad chord rud install RAF Kenley 20-9-45 to 7216M extant France with serial 'TB597'
MJ783 LFIXc CBAF 39MU 21-12-43 83GSU 27-4-44 132S 15-6-44 403S 27-7-44 CE ops 5-8-44 BAF as SM-15 2-48 extant Brussels Museum
PK481 F22 CBAF 33MU 3-9-45 VA EA 10-12-47 mods 611Sq 11-2-49 AGT Gatwick refurb 16-6-51 CS(A) 19-8-52 free loan for 6 months trls with VA 34mm gun RAE firing trls 16-12-52 damaged eng fail 5-5-53 C3R VA 29-5-53 5MU 22-7-53 last officia... ...
EE853 Vc West 8MU 23-1-43 215MU 8-2-43 Sussex 9-3-43 Australia 16-4-43 RAAF as A58-146 SOC 19-3-44 Kilawina Island recovered 1974 rebuilt extant Adelaide
MT667 LFVIII ALD 6MU 26-5-44 82MU 21-6-44 Samsturdy 30-6-44 Casablanca 13-7-44 451S 92S SOC 1-4-45
MJ444 LFIX CBAF 9MU 5-11-43 83GSU 26-8-44 411S 21-9-44 410RSU 28-9-44 403S 19-10-44 443S 14-12-44 Hit by flak and abandoned nr St.Vith 18-1-45
R7129 Ia EA FF 14-2-41 9MU 19-2-41 308S 13-5-41 403S 'KH-A' 28-5-41 52OTU 21-7-41 61OTU 5-8-41 Collided with R7150 nr Heston FACE dbf 21-8-41 SOC 27-8-41
SM483 LFXVI BHM24 45MU 18-11-44 403S 4-2-45 Engine cut on take-off hit building in Boulevard August Reyas Brussels 3-2-45
AB940 Vb CBAF 6MU 7-9-41 403S 12-9-41 AST 4-9-42 hook fitt RNAS 884S Lee 19-9-42 Hit hillside in cloud Butser Hill nr Petersfield Cat Z 23-9-42 (S/L AT Raines RNZN killed)
LV648 LFVIII KEA FF 11-12-43 9MU 20-12-43 222MU 10-1-44 Masirah 8-2-44 India 20-3-44 SOC 27-3-47
MJ755 LFIX CBAF 33MU 10-1-44 Casablanca 2-44 RHAF 1947 restored and extant Tatoi Museum RHAF
EN784 Vb CBAF 12MU 7-5-42 308USAAF 21-6-42 FACA 9-7-42 Engine cut abandoned over Channel 26-7-42 Lt Col L C Clarke USAAF PoW [317S 21-10-42 412S 29-6-43]
TZ138 FRXIVe ALD R-RH prep for cold tests 47MU 5-7-45 RCAF Edmonton Canada for cold tests Eng replaced summer 1946 Second trials began 26-11-46 end 28-2-47 Total flying time 41.55hrs aircraft nosed over while taxy in snow and damaged pro... ...
JG480 LFVIII EA FF 14-11-43 CRD VAWD 12-12-43 52MU 28-1-44 RCAF Test and Dev Unit Halifax 26-2-44 Winterisation tests 3-3-44 became GI airframe A517
Source: Andrew Pentland's Spitfire Production Site (with permission). Status is our own field - we rely on users to modify