N3275 |
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FF 4-1-40 9MU 22-1-40 616S 25-5-40 shot down by Bf109 nr Dungeness and crashlanded Eastchurch F/O St.Aubin injured C3 26-8-40
FF 4-1-40 9MU 22-1-40 616S 25-5-40 shot down by Bf109 nr Dungeness and crashlanded Eastchurch F/O St.Aubin injured C3 26-8-40
N3276 |
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FF 5-1-40 24MU 16-1-40 245S 8-4-40 damaged ops 21-5-40 AST 234S AST Cv PRIV 234S 8-9-40 58OTU 28-3-41 57OTU 16-6-42 stalled crashed in River Dee nr Hawarden CE 10-8-42 SOC 18-8-42
FF 5-1-40 24MU 16-1-40 245S 8-4-40 damaged ops 21-5-40 AST 234S AST Cv PRIV 234S 8-9-40 58OTU 28-3-41 57OTU 16-6-42 stalled crashed in River Dee nr Hawarden CE 10-8-42 SOC 18-8-42
N3278 |
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FF 5-1-40 24MU 16-1-40 234S 15-4-40 engine failed force-landed nr Liskeard Cornwall C3 Sgt Szlagowski safe 8-8-40 SOC 17-8-40 1CRU 6-9-40 RAE 10-40 122S 8-7-41 57OTU 4-10-41 82MU 9-10-42 Peter Mearsk 8-11-42 lost at sea...
FF 5-1-40 24MU 16-1-40 234S 15-4-40 engine failed force-landed nr Liskeard Cornwall C3 Sgt Szlagowski safe 8-8-40 SOC 17-8-40 1CRU 6-9-40 RAE 10-40 122S 8-7-41 57OTU 4-10-41 82MU 9-10-42 Peter Mearsk 8-11-42 lost at sea 8-1-43
N3279 |
Ia |
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FF 8-1-40 24MU 16-1-40 234S 15-4-40 C2 ops 6-9-40 AST 53OTU 25-8-41 FACE 29-9-41
FF 8-1-40 24MU 16-1-40 234S 15-4-40 C2 ops 6-9-40 AST 53OTU 25-8-41 FACE 29-9-41
N3280 |
Ia |
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FF 9-1-40 24MU 16-1-40 234S 25-4-40 609S 5-9-40 C2 ops 25-9-40 AST 41S 20-10-40 611S 24-10-40 485S 15-3-41 57OTU 29-4-41 52OTU 16-5-42 AAEE 24-3-43
FF 9-1-40 24MU 16-1-40 234S 25-4-40 609S 5-9-40 C2 ops 25-9-40 AST 41S 20-10-40 611S 24-10-40 485S 15-3-41 57OTU 29-4-41 52OTU 16-5-42 AAEE 24-3-43
N3281 |
Ia |
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FF 9-1-40 24MU 19-1-40 234S 16-3-40 AST 23-4-40 5OTU 14-7-40 7OTU 21-8-40 FAC2 21-9-40 GAL 61OTU 4-7-41 AST 24-7-41 Cv Va M45 RNDA Yeovilton as trainer 10-9-42 885S Lee 9-42 gusty weather wheels sank in soft ground taxyi...
FF 9-1-40 24MU 19-1-40 234S 16-3-40 AST 23-4-40 5OTU 14-7-40 7OTU 21-8-40 FAC2 21-9-40 GAL 61OTU 4-7-41 AST 24-7-41 Cv Va M45 RNDA Yeovilton as trainer 10-9-42 885S Lee 9-42 gusty weather wheels sank in soft ground taxying Machrihanish Cat S 22-9-42 (S/L FH Montgomery) 880S Ballyhalbert from 29-11-43 899S Sydenham 2-44 761S Henstridge 7-44 to 8-44
N3282 |
Ia |
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FF 9-1-40 24MU 16-1-40 234S 15-4-40 FA 27-5-40 AST 602S 19-8-40 damaged by Do17 Sgt Whall injured 9-9-40 602S shot down by Bf110 over Sussex Coast Sgt Sprague killed 11-9-40
FF 9-1-40 24MU 16-1-40 234S 15-4-40 FA 27-5-40 AST 602S 19-8-40 damaged by Do17 Sgt Whall injured 9-9-40 602S shot down by Bf110 over Sussex Coast Sgt Sprague killed 11-9-40
N3283 |
Ia |
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FF 10-1-40 24MU 22-1-40 234S 25-4-40 ASTH 30-5-40 92S shot down by Bf109 nr Gravesend P/O Bartley safe 18-9-40 Scottish Aviation 53OTU 17-7-41 FAAC 18-12-41 AST 76MU 28-9-42 City of Evansville 9-10-42 Port Sudan 23-12-42...
FF 10-1-40 24MU 22-1-40 234S 25-4-40 ASTH 30-5-40 92S shot down by Bf109 nr Gravesend P/O Bartley safe 18-9-40 Scottish Aviation 53OTU 17-7-41 FAAC 18-12-41 AST 76MU 28-9-42 City of Evansville 9-10-42 Port Sudan 23-12-42 Middle East 31-12-42 SOC 27-7-44
N3284 |
Ia |
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FF 11-1-40 27MU 16-1-40 610S 'DW-J' 14-5-40 AST 7-9-40 65S 15-12-40 145S 19-1-41 118S 8-3-41 FAAC 16-4-41 122S 27-5-41 131S 2-9-41 FACB 10-9-41 ros 131S 20-9-41 53OTU 24-3-42 struck AD315 while taxy 16-8-42 52OTU broke u...
FF 11-1-40 27MU 16-1-40 610S 'DW-J' 14-5-40 AST 7-9-40 65S 15-12-40 145S 19-1-41 118S 8-3-41 FAAC 16-4-41 122S 27-5-41 131S 2-9-41 FACB 10-9-41 ros 131S 20-9-41 53OTU 24-3-42 struck AD315 while taxy 16-8-42 52OTU broke up in flight crashed Thatcham Berks dbf CE 15-9-42
N3286 |
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FF 11-1-40 27MU 16-1-40 RAE 7-40 7OTU 23-7-40 19S 3-9-40 92S 22-10-40 shot down by Do17 nr Brighton Sgt Ellis safe 10-11-40 AST 132S 11-7-41 broke up in flight Grimondgarth Aberdeen CE 15-8-41 SOC 20-8-41 RAE 1-42
FF 11-1-40 27MU 16-1-40 RAE 7-40 7OTU 23-7-40 19S 3-9-40 92S 22-10-40 shot down by Do17 nr Brighton Sgt Ellis safe 10-11-40 AST 132S 11-7-41 broke up in flight Grimondgarth Aberdeen CE 15-8-41 SOC 20-8-41 RAE 1-42
N3291 |
Ia |
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FF 15-1-40 27MU 19-1-40 92S 20-3-40 Engine lost oil crashlanded avoiding horses Edenbridge Kent 25-3-40 SOC CE 29-3-40
FF 15-1-40 27MU 19-1-40 92S 20-3-40 Engine lost oil crashlanded avoiding horses Edenbridge Kent 25-3-40 SOC CE 29-3-40
N3292 |
Ia |
EA |
FF 16-1-40 234S 15-3-40 damaged ops 23-3-40 AST 29-7-40 54S 1-11-40 damaged ops 10-11-40 AST stalled on takeoff crashed Catterick 7-12-40 AST 57OTU 2-6-41 AST 23-7-41 Cv Va M45 145S 26-11-41 134S 19-12-41 133S 28-12-41 4...
FF 16-1-40 234S 15-3-40 damaged ops 23-3-40 AST 29-7-40 54S 1-11-40 damaged ops 10-11-40 AST stalled on takeoff crashed Catterick 7-12-40 AST 57OTU 2-6-41 AST 23-7-41 Cv Va M45 145S 26-11-41 134S 19-12-41 133S 28-12-41 421S 12-4-42 601S 12-4-42 421S 21-5-42 PPSM 9-6-42 RNAS Yeovilton 8-9-42 FAAC 3-4-43 ros 761S Henstridge 5-43 to 11-44
N3293 |
Ia |
EA |
FF 17-1-40 9MU 22-1-40 222S 9-3-40 64S 17-4-40 C2 ops 28-10-40 AST 124S 27-8-41 340S 20-10-41 52OTU 12-11-41 58OTU 11-2-42 CFS 2-5-43 17FTS 25-8-43 SOC 6-8-45
FF 17-1-40 9MU 22-1-40 222S 9-3-40 64S 17-4-40 C2 ops 28-10-40 AST 124S 27-8-41 340S 20-10-41 52OTU 12-11-41 58OTU 11-2-42 CFS 2-5-43 17FTS 25-8-43 SOC 6-8-45
N3294 |
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FF 18-1-40 9MU 22-1-40 222S 9-3-40 FA Dived into ground out of cloud nr Withernsea Yorks Sgt Lewis killed 4-7-40 SOC 12-7-40
FF 18-1-40 9MU 22-1-40 222S 9-3-40 FA Dived into ground out of cloud nr Withernsea Yorks Sgt Lewis killed 4-7-40 SOC 12-7-40
N3296 |
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? |
del as fus only to CBAF as pattern aircraft 24-1-40 counted as cro until SOC authorised 8-6-40
del as fus only to CBAF as pattern aircraft 24-1-40 counted as cro until SOC authorised 8-6-40