

SerialPicModelFactoryNotes    (click note to toggle full text)
MK507 LFIX CBAF 39MU 4-3-44 83GSU 6-5-44 403S Hit by flak and abandoned nr Courtrai 15-5-44
MJ473 LFIX CBAF 33MU 15-11-43 84GSU 23-3-44 441S Shot down by Fw190 nr Mons on sweep to Lille 5-5-44 P/O P A McLachlan killed
MK213 LFIX CBAF 39MU 5-2-44 340S 3-3-44 Collided with Spitfire MK917 over Namur and crashed off Ostend 2-5-44 S/Lt M Reeve killed
MK248 LFIX CBAF 9MU 20-1-44 312S 1-2-44 Shot down by fighters and abandoned on B-26 escort to Morlaix 19-4-44
MJ169 LFIX CBAF 39MU 16-10-43 405ARF 26-10-43 412S 21-11-43 FTR ops over enemy territory during ramrod 339 29-11-43 FH16.50
MJ534 LFIX CBAF 39MU 24-11-43 331S 5-2-44 Missing over France possibly shot down by return fire from He177 25-2-44
MA835 IX CBAF 6MU 25-7-43 405ARF HAL 6-8-43 65S 15-8-43 Missing on intruder mission to Brussels 3-1-44 F/Sgt W T Whitmore killed
MA847 IX CBAF 33MU 26-7-43 65S 8-8-43 FAAC 16-10-43 Ranger to Brussels FTR 2-1-44 P/O P F Waterman RCAF PoW
EN629 LFIX R-R FF 26-5-43 R-RH Cv LFIX 33MU 29-5-43 341S 16-6-43 411S 17-10-43 FAAC 8-11-43 401S Hit by return fire from Ju88 20-12-43 FH138.15
MJ331 LFIX CBAF 33MU 24-10-43 405ARF 8-11-43 412S 21-11-43 FTR over enemy territory 29-11-43 FH19.5 F/O J A Robertson killed
JK762 Vc CBAF R-RH Cv LFIX RAF Biggin Hill 26-3-43 611S 17-4-43 485S 4-7-43 Possibly collided with EN559 nr Ostend 20-10-43 F/O R L Baker killed
EN559 LFIX R-R FF 10-3-43 R-RH Cv LFIX 611S 12-3-43 485S 4-7-43 ros 3-8-43 thought to have collided with JK762 nr Ostend 20-10-43 F/O J G Thomson MID killed
BL422 Vb CBAF 37MU 29-3-42 457S 28-4-42 611S 30-5-42 71S 3-8-42 334USAAF 1-10-42 FAAC 25-10-42 52OTU 29-1-43 411S 16-9-43 Shot down nr Lille 20-9-43
MB800 XII HPA VAWD 7-5-43 wts and CG loadings prod aircraft 39MU 11-5-43 41S 'EB-B' 19-5-43 shot down by Fw190 south of Dunkirk 19-9-43
EN614 XII HPA 15MU 2-4-43 91S 'DL-F' 1-5-43 Ramrod to Lille shot down into sea off Dunkirk 19-9-43 F/O G W Bond killed
Source: Andrew Pentland's Spitfire Production Site (with permission). Status is our own field - we rely on users to modify