AB842 |
Vb |
38MU 6-7-41 452S 5-8-41 Shot down by Bf109 10m E of Ramsgate 8-11-41
38MU 6-7-41 452S 5-8-41 Shot down by Bf109 10m E of Ramsgate 8-11-41
AB799 |
Vb |
8MU 1-8-41 485S 7-8-41 403S 5-4-42 Missing on sweep nr Le Touquet 2-6-42 FH106.20
8MU 1-8-41 485S 7-8-41 403S 5-4-42 Missing on sweep nr Le Touquet 2-6-42 FH106.20
AB535 |
Vc |
EA |
Special FF 22-2-42 8MU 26-2-42 Cv VcT 23-3-42 Empire Cabot 28-8-42 Gibraltar 14-9-42 Malta 1-11-42 Middle East 1-9-43 FACE 6-2-44
Special FF 22-2-42 8MU 26-2-42 Cv VcT 23-3-42 Empire Cabot 28-8-42 Gibraltar 14-9-42 Malta 1-11-42 Middle East 1-9-43 FACE 6-2-44
AB502 |
VbT |
?f |
FF 28-1-42 6MU 13-2-42 Crosby Co 20-2-42 Denmark 11-3-42 Takoradi 9-5-42 Middle East 5-6-42 145S 'ZX-B' Aboukir filter fitt [Destroyed in air raid LG 154 22-8-42] 224Wing shot down by Bf109 Tunisia 16-4-43 A/C Gleed kill...
FF 28-1-42 6MU 13-2-42 Crosby Co 20-2-42 Denmark 11-3-42 Takoradi 9-5-42 Middle East 5-6-42 145S 'ZX-B' Aboukir filter fitt [Destroyed in air raid LG 154 22-8-42] 224Wing shot down by Bf109 Tunisia 16-4-43 A/C Gleed killed
AB451 |
VbT |
?f |
249S Destroyed in air raid Malta 4-42
249S Destroyed in air raid Malta 4-42
AB380 |
Vc |
?f |
FF 8-1-42 39MU 9-1-42 91S 13-3-42 SF Northolt 23-10-42 FACB 18-8-43 AST 350S 21-6-44 FACE 20-4-45 SOC 24-4-45
FF 8-1-42 39MU 9-1-42 91S 13-3-42 SF Northolt 23-10-42 FACB 18-8-43 AST 350S 21-6-44 FACE 20-4-45 SOC 24-4-45
AB326 |
VbT |
FF 25-12-41 Crosby Co 10-1-42 Laysian 25-2-42 Takoradi Middle East 9-5-42 FTR ops 23-6-42
FF 25-12-41 Crosby Co 10-1-42 Laysian 25-2-42 Takoradi Middle East 9-5-42 FTR ops 23-6-42
AB282 |
Vb |
FF 20-12-41 8MU 5-1-42 611S 7-2-42 CAC ops 13-3-42 ros 242S 2-6-42 Scottish Aviation 27-10-42 VASM 26-4-43 fuel syst mods wing stiff 131S 3-7-43 engine failed force-landed hit hedge nr Redhill Surrey CE 8-9-43
FF 20-12-41 8MU 5-1-42 611S 7-2-42 CAC ops 13-3-42 ros 242S 2-6-42 Scottish Aviation 27-10-42 VASM 26-4-43 fuel syst mods wing stiff 131S 3-7-43 engine failed force-landed hit hedge nr Redhill Surrey CE 8-9-43
AB271 |
Vb |
LFVb FF 6-12-41 33MU 13-12-41 123S 28-12-41 167S 15-4-42 165S 27-5-42 133S 29-9-42 336S 1-10-42 FACB 16-11-42 AST VASM 8-5-43 fuel syst mods wing stiff 416S FAAC 2-7-43 ros 130S 11-2-44 222S 16-2-44 322S 17-3-44 303S 17-...
LFVb FF 6-12-41 33MU 13-12-41 123S 28-12-41 167S 15-4-42 165S 27-5-42 133S 29-9-42 336S 1-10-42 FACB 16-11-42 AST VASM 8-5-43 fuel syst mods wing stiff 416S FAAC 2-7-43 ros 130S 11-2-44 222S 16-2-44 322S 17-3-44 303S 17-4-44 Missing from patrol off Normandy pres due flak from Carantan area 23-6-44 W/O A Chudek VM DFM killed
AB257 |
Vb |
FF 6-12-41 39MU 8-12-41 310S 29-12-41 CB ops 3-2-42 ASTH 4USAAF 9-8-42 Overshot landing at Kenley FACE 30-9-42
FF 6-12-41 39MU 8-12-41 310S 29-12-41 CB ops 3-2-42 ASTH 4USAAF 9-8-42 Overshot landing at Kenley FACE 30-9-42
AB248 |
Vc |
FF 29-11-41 39MU 5-12-41 91S 14-3-42 315S 13-5-42 CB ops 13-5-42 SOC CE 23-5-42
FF 29-11-41 39MU 5-12-41 91S 14-3-42 315S 13-5-42 CB ops 13-5-42 SOC CE 23-5-42
AB241 |
Vb |
FF 21-11-41 6MU 27-11-41 315S 10-12-41 317S 5-9-42 AST 11-4-43 VASM 4-7-43 fuel syst mods S type pt MkIII IFF 341S 24-12-43 FLS 3-4-44 2TEU 17-6-44 61OTU 28-9-44 AST 5-6-45 SOC 30-7-45
FF 21-11-41 6MU 27-11-41 315S 10-12-41 317S 5-9-42 AST 11-4-43 VASM 4-7-43 fuel syst mods S type pt MkIII IFF 341S 24-12-43 FLS 3-4-44 2TEU 17-6-44 61OTU 28-9-44 AST 5-6-45 SOC 30-7-45
AB216 |
Vc |
EA |
FF 23-12-41 24MU 2-1-42 91S 'DL-Z' 15-3-42 CB ops 2-6-42 ? GAL VASM 30-3-43 fuel syst mods Malcolms White Waltham 25-5-43 install of tailwheel tow attachment CRD AAEE Sherburn in Elmet 9-8-43 RAE 16-9-43 form trials with...
FF 23-12-41 24MU 2-1-42 91S 'DL-Z' 15-3-42 CB ops 2-6-42 ? GAL VASM 30-3-43 fuel syst mods Malcolms White Waltham 25-5-43 install of tailwheel tow attachment CRD AAEE Sherburn in Elmet 9-8-43 RAE 16-9-43 form trials with JK940 towing Hotspur BT903 continued trials with JK940 as twin in double tow of Hotspur. 10-43 weather trials and mechanic release of Hotspur BT901 during double tow with JK940. Duplication of trials with Horsa LG927 Horsa was then towed by Beaufighter fitt with Monica III to test emmissions. AB216 formated on Beaufighter to assess possibility of twin tow 61OTU 8-9-43 ? Biggin Hill for service trials as Hotspur tug. RAF code name for experiment was Hasty-Hitch trials were to assess validity of towing Hotspur carrying ground crew and equip to forward airfields during advance through France. Eng fire in flight wheels up landing dbf nr Sleap Salop 2-2-45 SOC 9-2-45
AB212 |
Vc |
EA |
FF 22-12-41 9MU 24-12-41 Westland 5-5-42 M46 install 66S 4-6-42 310S 26-7-42 306S 7-10-42 FAAC 19-1-44 53OTU 2-9-44 616S 16-3-45 Portsmouth Aviation 4-9-45 SOC 10-9-45
FF 22-12-41 9MU 24-12-41 Westland 5-5-42 M46 install 66S 4-6-42 310S 26-7-42 306S 7-10-42 FAAC 19-1-44 53OTU 2-9-44 616S 16-3-45 Portsmouth Aviation 4-9-45 SOC 10-9-45
AB198 |
Vb |
EA |
FF 11-12-41 5MU 12-12-41 134S 17-1-42 81S 4-4-42 452S 5-5-42 93S 4-6-42 303S 10-6-42 AST 5-12-42 VASM 8-3-43 fuel syst mods wing stiff 412S 18-6-43 317S 28-6-43 312S 4-10-43 306S 4-2-44 AST 18-5-44 1652CU 29-11-44 engine...
FF 11-12-41 5MU 12-12-41 134S 17-1-42 81S 4-4-42 452S 5-5-42 93S 4-6-42 303S 10-6-42 AST 5-12-42 VASM 8-3-43 fuel syst mods wing stiff 412S 18-6-43 317S 28-6-43 312S 4-10-43 306S 4-2-44 AST 18-5-44 1652CU 29-11-44 engine failed on takeoff wheels up landing Cattal nr Marston Moor CB 2-5-45 recat C SOC 14-5-45