
Comments can now be added to Blog Entries - Use this Entry to post Bugs


We're still in BETA mode, and, a recent change allows comments to be posted on blog entries.

Eventually, we'll add the code to allow a user to "follow" a blog, or, other article types (or forums) we add in the future. At present, we're testing some new features, and, of course -- testing the software as users add pilots. This site is built with Laravel 5.0, a new platform that brings PHP into the Ruby on Rails style of construction. The relationships e.g. comments to blogs, aircraft serials to pilots, and, users to pilots are all custom. The site has a lot of potential to support both researcher and enthusiast goals.

Comments are welcome from users trying out the site, and, while we're at it, post any bug reports or feature requests here as well. Should we add plain old forums, or, is our "forum per pilot" the way for users to engage each other with the ability to follow a pilot. For questions (a form of comment) on a pilot or aircraft page, should we allow voting so the best answer floats to the top?

What do you want to see most, and what else can the site provide the Spitfire enthusiast, so that we can grow traffic and support our goal of getting all Spitfire pilots listed.


PS Comments can only be added to blog posts from this point on (not our first few posts)
post comment


by: Stuart M problem 2015-10-23 06:21:59

tried to fill in bio, etc., no go

reply: kurtis info 2015-10-23 07:01:50

can u tell me what browser you use, cookies / javascript enabled? I can add pilot data on Chrome, FFox, ...