
BUCKLEY, Thomas Wadeson


rank: W/O
status: kia
airforce: RNZAF    (no: 413021 )
born: 1920-05-22 Auckland New Zealand

added by: Justin

All Images:

Bio / Text:

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Sgt Buckley posted in 23rd June 1942 (32 squadron) from 59 O.T.U. and attached to 1528 Flight wof.25-6-42 for a course.
29-06-44 ceased to be attached to 1528 Fight.

32 squadron, Sgt Buckley promoted to F/Sgt 1st January 1943.

73 squadron

W/O Thomas Buckley
Lost in spitfire VC lX JK605 on a offensive Sweep at Savaja with 2 other Spitfires. Saw convoy of 40 M.T including medium & heavy tanks and 3 field guns. Attacked, one flamer one pouring out heavy blue smoke and ten damaged. On secondary road from Vipa saw M.T. convoy of 50 closely packed vehicles. Attacked, at least 25 damaged. On third attack a large flash was seen. No.3 failed to join formation. 1 and 2 returned to point of explosion and identified a burning Spitfire. Both pilots F/Lt V.H.Twomey and P/O W.Richie considered No.3 W/O. Buckley was hit and crashed. Two aircraft returned to Vis JG871 & JL309.

S/Ldr Chase also hit by flak on the same day and crash landed on Vis. P.O.W

Son of Michael Patrick Buckley and of Mabel Alice Buckley, of Devonport Auckland.


Squadrons add
RAF 73 squadron 1944-02-01
RAF 32 1942-06-01


Posted to 32 Squadron from 59 O.T.U. 1942-06-23
Embarked the U.K 1942-11-25
Disembarked at Philippeville (Skikda, Algeria) 1942-12-07
JK339 Scrambled after recce plane with F/Sgt Francis, no contact made. 1943-04-15
JK342 Scrambled to intercept e/a, no contact made. 1943-05-04
JK342 Scrambled to intercept e/a, no sighting. 1943-05-04
KW965 4 Hurricane sweep out to sea with a Beaufighter from 153 Squadron. No enemy seen.. 1943-05-06
HW741 patrolled Algiers harbour. 1943-05-07
3 pilot's including F/Sgt Buckley to Setif for Practice flight 1943-05-10
MA311 Sector recce 1944-01-18
MA311 first solo on type, mark lX 1944-01-18
MA712 Practice flying 1944-01-19
JK970 Practice flying 1944-01-20
JK178 Air test 1944-01-29
EN252 Patrol convoy 'WELTER' could not locate. 1944-01-31
JK546 Sweep over Vis & neighboring islands straffed train wagons and lorries on mainland 1944-02-02
ER178 Special mission contact destroyers south of Gornje-Selo Solta island then escort them into Stari Grad. 1944-02-04
ER178 Air test 1944-02-07
EN252 Scrambled on vectors pilot proved friendly 1944-02-08
EN252 Made landfall at Šipan. At poljica attacked train. Engine destroyed. 1944-02-10
MA630 Scrabled 335º intercepted B.24 ordered to return. 1944-02-17
JK821 Sweep to Korcula. Many small boats and light flak. Patrolled Hvar to Vis. Vis to base. 1944-02-18
MA712 Scrambled on 010º to intercept X. X faded 1944-02-20
JK970 Convoy escort 'WALLET' destroyers safely escorted to Vieste 1944-02-22
JK783 At Metkovic attacked train and soldiers leaving wagons. Engine destroyed. 1944-02-28
MA532 scort convey then recce Hvar, Stari 1944-03-03
MA630 Low flying pratice 1944-03-04
EN252 Patrol of Vis 1944-04-01
JK978 Practice dive bombing with bombs 1944-04-13
ES285 Shipping recce coast Brac no shipping seen. 1944-04-13
JL350 Pratice dive bombing 1944-04-14
MH359 Patrol of Vieste 1944-04-20
MA532 Patrol of Vis 1944-04-21
Escort to L.C.I's going to Vis 1944-04-22
JK338 Lorries attacked and hit at Crveni. Straffed a armoured carat Koceria 1944-04-24
JK338 Lorries attacked and hit at Crveni. Straffed a armoured carat Koceria 1944-04-24
JK307 Air test 1944-05-01
MA339 At Ploca saw 100ft schooner moored. Bombs missed 1944-05-02
JK307 Search for dinghy in Korculanski. No sighting 1944-05-03
LZ815 Target hotel Riviera, Orebic beyond Pelagosa 10/10 cloud return Vis 1944-05-06
JK978 To Orebic to attack Riviera hotel. 4 bombs hit target considerable damage. 1944-05-07
EP965 recce Split harbour saw 50ft barge no other shipping seen 1944-05-08
JK383 Covered roads Omis to Podgora and Sestanovac to Vrgorac, no targets seen. 1944-05-09
JG800 Proceeded to Listica at A.5, Intense flak made further attack but unable to get near target 1944-05-10
JL393 Air test 1944-05-12
JK383 Recce roads Rogoznica, Obrovac, Prolog. At Jablancia saw train but unable to attack owing to rugged nature of country. 1944-05-14
JK978 Sweep of roads Split, Sinj, Knis & Drnks. Rainstorm at base diversion to Termoli 1944-05-16
JK383 From Termoli to Amendola 1944-05-17
JG871 Cannon test 1944-05-18
JK383 Escort for B.25 from Vieste to Vis 1944-05-21
ES342 Air test 1944-05-21
JK605 Shot down near Savaja 1944-05-26
JK605 Bihac dived domded airdrome destroyed aircraft. S/L Chase hit by flak and crashed landed, p.o.w. 1944-05-26


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