


rank: F/L
status: unknown
airforce: RAF    (no: 64899 )
born: United Kingdom

added by: Justin

All Images:

Bio / Text:

< = expand >
Flying Officer James McGILL (64899), Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, No. 73 Squadron. Since the campaign for Tripoli began this officer has flown on many sorties including reconnaissances and low level attacks on enemy transport. On one occasion in November, 1942, during a low flying attack on enemy motor transport, his aircraft was severely damaged by opposing fire from the ground. Although 2 of his petrol tanks were pierced, Flying Officer McGill flew his damaged aircraft safely to base. He has displayed great courage and determination and inflicted much damage to enemy mechanised transport. London Gazette No. 35914, Dated 1943-02-23


Squadrons add
RAF 73 1942-09-01


Flew Hurricanes before June. 1943-06-10
ER136 Local flying 1943-06-11
ER136 Local flying 1943-06-12
ER136 Practice flying 1943-06-13
ER136 Dusk landings 2105 to 2130 1943-06-13
JK427 Serif to LA Sebala 1943-06-14
JK604 Night landings 2230 to 2245 1943-06-15
JK427 Dusk landings 2130 to 1040 1943-06-16
JK534 Local flying 1943-06-18
JK427 Local flying 1943-06-22
JK427 Local flying 1943-06-23
JK604 Local flying 1943-06-25
JK989 Convoy patrol 2015 to 2135 1943-06-26
JK427 Local flying 1943-06-27
JK767 Aircraft test 1943-06-30
JK604 Patrolled North of Bizerte 1943-07-05
JK604 Patrolled base. 1943-07-06
JK460 Convey patrol east of Cap Negro 0450 to 0635 1943-07-09
JK604 Patroll 20 miles North of Bizerte. 1943-07-10
JK604 Patrolled Bizerte 1943-07-12
JK604 Aircraft test 1943-07-15
JK888 Patrol convoy near Bizerte. 1943-07-18
JK888 Patrolled convoy in Bizerte & Cap Bon area. 1943-07-20
JK888 Patroll convoy Bizerte. 1943-07-21
JK888 Patrolled North of Bizerte 1943-07-27
JK888 From Sebala 2 to Sebala 1. 1943-07-27
JK888 Patrolled convoy between Sicily & Cap Bon. 1943-07-29
ES142 Local flying 1943-07-30
JK888 Scrambled 20 miles west Galite island at 27,000ft. Saw nothing. 1943-08-02
JK967 Patrolled convoy near Bizerte. 1943-08-03
JK888 Air test. 1943-08-04
JK888 To Kairouan 0945 to 1010 1943-08-05
F/O J.McGill was promoted today to F/Lt 1943-08-05
JK888 From Kairouan 1445 to 1510 1943-08-05
JK888 Patrolled convoy between Cap Serratt & Bizerte 1943-08-08
JK967 Air test 1943-08-08
JK888 Practice flying 1943-08-09
JK888 Practice flying 1943-08-11
JK667 To Miason Blanche to attend a party the following night. 1943-08-13
JK667 From Kiason Blanche to base 1943-08-16
JK888 Patrolled Bizerte at 25,000ft 1943-08-20
JK527 Air test 1943-08-25
JK767 Air test 1943-08-25
JK767 Air test 1943-08-28
JK888 Local flying practice 1943-08-30
JK527 Air test 1943-09-03
F/L McGill left the squadron around the middle of September. 1943-09-15


Comments / Questions:
