
CENITCH, Alexander


rank: S/L
status: kia
airforce: RAF    (no: 168696 )
born: Belgrade Yugoslavia

added by: Justin

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Bio / Text:

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Alexander Cenitch

Photo to the right is 351 Squadron.

Joined 73 squadron 21st March 1943 at Neffatia south, Tunisia.

Squadron Leader 168696, 351 (Yugoslavian) Squadron, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve. Country of service United Kingdom. Killed in action flying out of Prkos, Yugoslavia, 3 May 1945. Native of Yugoslavia. Panel 18, Column 1.


Squadrons add
RAF 73 1943-03-01
RAF 351 1944-07-01


ES145 Local flying practice 1943-06-13
ES280 Local 09.20 to 09.45 1943-06-15
ES280 Local 17.50 to 18.10 1943-06-15
JK527 Local flying 1943-06-17
JK527 Local flying 06.30 to 07.00 1943-06-18
JK527 Local 1943-06-20
JK888 Cannon test 1943-06-21
JK527 Local flying practice. 1943-06-30
ES142 Dusk landings 20.40 to 21.30 1943-06-30
JK527 Patrolled convoy from Rass zebib to Cap Bon. 1943-07-07
JK667 Patrolled convoy off Cap Zebib 1943-07-08
JK667 Patrolled convoy going S.E off Cap Zebib. 0455 to 0640 1943-07-09
Operation Husky 1943-07-09
JK527 Patrolled convoy anchored off Bizerte. 1943-07-10
JK726 Patrolled convoy near Zembra island. 20.20 to 21.50 1943-07-11
JK335 Patrolled Bizerte 0450 to 0650 1943-07-13
JK726 Patrolled convoy off Cap Bon 1943-07-14
JK967 Patrolled convoy 15 miles S.E of Kalibia 1943-07-16
ES142 Patrolled convoy off of Monastir 1943-07-17
JK335 Patrolled convoy near Zembra Island. 1943-07-18
ES280 Patrolled convoy between Bizerte & Cap Bon. 1943-07-20
ES280 Patrolled convoy N. of Zembra Island. 1943-07-22
JK970 Patrolled convoy near Bizerte. 1943-07-24
JK967 Patrolled convoy near Bizerte. 1943-07-27
ES280 Sebala 2 to Sebala 1. 1943-07-27
JK790 To kairouan 0705 to 0750 1943-07-28
JK970 From Kairouan to base. 1943-07-28
ES280 Patrolled convoy between Sicily & Cap Bon. 1943-07-29
JK970 Patrolled convoy N. of Cap Bon 1943-08-01
ES142 Patrolled convoy E. of Cap Bon. Landed at Sebala 2. 1943-08-03
ES142 Sebala 2 to Sebala 1 1943-08-04
JK970 Scramble, nothing seen. 1943-08-05
JK888 Patrolled convoy E. of Bizerte 1943-08-16
JK888 Patrol convoy but did not find. 1943-08-19
JK888 Patrolled Bizerte at 25,000ft 1943-08-20
JK888 Patrolled Bizerte at 25,000ft 1943-08-22
JK888 Patrolled Bizerte at 25,000ft 1943-08-24
JK888 Patrolled Bizerte at 25,000ft 1943-08-26
JK667 Local flying practice. 1943-08-30
JK888 Battle formation & cannon firing. 1943-09-04
JK888 Patrolled convoy 20 miles N.E of Marsala 1943-09-05
JK888 Patrolled convoy Cap Bon to Kelibia 1943-09-10
JK888 Local flying practice & firing 1943-09-18
MA640 Local 1943-09-18
20th September to 16th October Nil flying, squadron move to Montecorvino, Italy 1943-09-20
JK888 Sebala to Catania (squadron move) 1943-10-17
JK888 Catania to Montecorvino 0915 to 1030 1943-10-18
JK888 Patrolled over Naples at 23,000ft 1943-10-21
JK888 Patrolled over Naples at 23,000ft 1600 to 1735 1943-10-21
JK888 Shipping patrol N.of Capri 1943-10-23
JK888 Patrolled over Naples at 23,000ft 1943-10-23
MA459 Shipping patrol Capri to Licosa point 1943-10-24
JK888 Convoy patrol Licosa point to Capri 1943-10-25
JK464 Patrol for shipping Capri to Licosa point. 1943-10-29
JK667 Patrolled shipping Capri to Licosa point 1943-10-30
JK888 Patrolled Naples at 23,000ft 1943-11-05
JK464 Patrolled convoy approaching Naples harbour. 1943-11-08
JK888 Air test 1943-11-10
JK726 Air test 1943-11-11
MA311 Patrolled Naples 1943-11-11
MA311 Patrolled Naples 1943-11-11
MA311 Patrolled Naples 1943-11-11
JK437 Cannon firing test 1943-11-13
JK437 Cannon firing test 1943-11-13
JK464 Patrolled convoy approaching Naples. 1943-11-13
EN252 Air test 1943-11-14
JK767 To Bari for operations in Albania.0715 to 0830 1943-11-15
JK767 Strafing Durazzo (Albania) 1943-11-15
JK767 Brindisi to Montecorvino 1943-11-16
JK970 Patrol Naples 1943-11-21
JK437 Montecorvino to Foggia main, one squadron move. 1943-12-02
JK437 To Foggia main from Foggia 1 1943-12-07
EN252 Scrambled to intercept E/A but plot faded. 1943-12-08
JK667 To Bari to refuel. Later escort to DC.3 1943-12-14
JK667 From Bari to base. 1943-12-14
MA311 Scrambled after bandits approaching base. Saw nothing. 1943-12-16
MA311 Scrambled but plot faded 1943-12-19
JK437 Local flying practice. 1943-12-23
EN252 Air test 1943-12-24
EN252 Combat practice 1943-12-30
MA565 Local flying practice 1944-01-03
JK709 Escort to Beaufighter on calibration test. 1944-01-12
JL226 Patrol at 8000ft over Lagosta, Korcula & Hvar Island to Solta. Returning over Vis then to base. 1944-01-13
JK437 Combat practice 1944-01-13
JK437 Air test 1944-01-14
MA630 Sweep W. of Lagosta, E. to Brac & W. of Split without incident. Returned to base via Vis 1944-01-17
JK527 Escort to Beaufighter on calibration run 1944-01-20
MA531 Practice battle formation. 1944-01-21
MA311 Escort to Fortress arriving at point G.7672 1944-01-25
MA532 Sweep over Vis without incident. 1944-01-28
JK527 To Grattagliano 1944-02-04
JK821 From Grattagliano with new aircraft for unit strength. 1944-02-04
MA311 Weather recce Vis Island. 1944-02-06
MA532 Sweep over dalmatian Island. At Hvar informed bandits within 2 miles. Orbited but no contact. 1944-02-07
MA531 Cannon test 1944-02-22
There is an emergency landing strip now on Vis Island. 1944-02-23
MA531 Sweep over Dalmatian Island of Vis. No incidents. 1944-02-23
MA712 Shipping recce over Dalmatians, 6 small boats at KorĨula. 1944-02-25
MA531 Strafed on Dalmatian coast, trains, engines & lorries with troops. L.A.A encountered 1944-02-28
ER178 Six Spitfire operating in pair intervals escorted 3 destroyers, Dalmatian Island to Manfredonia. 1944-03-02
Army Co-operations 1944-03-02
EN252 Recce Dalmatian coast. Bad weather so returned to base. 1944-03-04
MA630 3rd scramble of the day turned out to be two P.38's. To make sure they were allied, followed them until they landed. 1944-03-07
MH359 Patrolled Allied invasion craft over Vis.Later 2 ferries were attacked. Troops were making a dash for shelter. Stern under water the last attack. 1944-03-22
MA633 From Grottaglie to base 1944-03-27
MA712 Arrived over Vis 0550 patrolled until 0630 then returned to base. 1944-03-30
ES285 From Grottaglie 1944-04-03
JK337 Sweep at Poljica bay 4 schooners attacked & damaged. Locos damaged & blew up. 1015 to 1230 1944-04-07
JK338 Sweep at Poljica bay 4 schooners attacked & damaged. Locos damaged & blew up 1944-04-07
P/o Cenitch left the unit in the past few day. 1944-04-30


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