
Spitfire MA736


model: IX
factory: CBAF
engine: M63


All Images:


33MU 3-7-43 82MU 14-7-43 Fort Nakesley 14-7-43 Casablanca 29-7-43 Collided with EF705 on landing Forli CE 13-2-45 [Middle East 31-5-45 SOC 2-8-45]

* for acronyms please see Spitfire Production

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Name Date Rank Status
Carlson D 1943‑08‑23 S/L ok
Rankin I M 1943‑09‑01 F/L kifa
Rankin I M 1943‑09‑02 F/L kifa
Rankin I M 1943‑09‑05 F/L kifa
Rankin I M 1943‑09‑05 F/L kifa
Brodie J MA 1943‑09‑06 F/L kia
Brodie J MA 1943‑09‑07 F/L kia
Rankin I M 1943‑09‑07 F/L kifa
Rankin I M 1943‑10‑20 F/L kifa
Rankin I M 1943‑10‑29 F/L kifa
Veys J E 1943‑10‑29 F/Sgt ok
Veys J E 1943‑11‑01 F/Sgt ok
Rankin I M 1943‑11‑04 F/L kifa
Millar H J 1943‑11‑04 P/O kifa
Brodie J MA 1943‑11‑27 F/L kia
Hume W 1943‑12‑01 F/L ok
Miller H H 1943‑12‑01 F/L ok
Bishop G F 1943‑12‑02 F/Sgt pow
Bishop G F 1944‑02‑16 F/Sgt pow
Hume W 1944‑05‑04 F/L ok
Hume W 1944‑05‑04 F/L ok
Hume W 1944‑05‑04 F/L ok
Grant L 1944‑05‑07 W/O ok
Maura J 1944‑05‑08 F/L ok
note: 'pilot to aircraft' linkage created via Pilot's page

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