AD114 |
Vb |
45MU 31-8-41 485S 7-9-41 FACA 12-3-42 403S 'KH-W' 5-4-42 CB ops 2-6-42 MM mods RNAS Train Estab 30-6-42 Cat C at 1CRU 8-7-42 On loan for training Air Gunnery and Maintenance ratings-as GI?
45MU 31-8-41 485S 7-9-41 FACA 12-3-42 403S 'KH-W' 5-4-42 CB ops 2-6-42 MM mods RNAS Train Estab 30-6-42 Cat C at 1CRU 8-7-42 On loan for training Air Gunnery and Maintenance ratings-as GI?
AB419 |
VbT |
?f |
FF 27-1-42 6MU 10-2-42 Crosby Co 18-2-42 Queen Victoria 3-3-42 Malta 1-4-42 249S destroyed on ground Malta SOC FH15.20
FF 27-1-42 6MU 10-2-42 Crosby Co 18-2-42 Queen Victoria 3-3-42 Malta 1-4-42 249S destroyed on ground Malta SOC FH15.20
AD115 |
Vb |
6MU 30-8-41 306S 7-9-41 611S 8-3-42 243S 2-6-42 222S 11-8-42 FAAC 21-8-42 ros FACE 12-12-42
6MU 30-8-41 306S 7-9-41 611S 8-3-42 243S 2-6-42 222S 11-8-42 FAAC 21-8-42 ros FACE 12-12-42
AB420 |
VbT |
?f |
FF 27-1-42 6MU 10-2-42 Crosby Co 19-2-42 Queen Victoria 3-3-42 Malta 1-4-42 249S destroyed on ground Malta 3-4-42 SOC 6-4-42
FF 27-1-42 6MU 10-2-42 Crosby Co 19-2-42 Queen Victoria 3-3-42 Malta 1-4-42 249S destroyed on ground Malta 3-4-42 SOC 6-4-42
AD116 |
Vb |
6MU 19-9-41 306S 24-9-41 303S 6-10-41 GAL 18-2-42 FACB 15-4-42 GAL 5USAAF 8-9-42 504S 30-9-42 501S 19-10-42 Lost way and forcelanded in Co.Donegal Eire dbr 27-11-42 Shorts Harland recat E 21-12-42 FH277.55
6MU 19-9-41 306S 24-9-41 303S 6-10-41 GAL 18-2-42 FACB 15-4-42 GAL 5USAAF 8-9-42 504S 30-9-42 501S 19-10-42 Lost way and forcelanded in Co.Donegal Eire dbr 27-11-42 Shorts Harland recat E 21-12-42 FH277.55
AB421 |
?f |
FF 2-1-42 6MU 3-1-42 1PRU 27-1-42 Middle East 2PRU Heliopolis 17-3-42 C2 ops 13-10-42 Swung on landing and overturned Petah Tiqva CE 3-3-45 SOC 29-3-45
FF 2-1-42 6MU 3-1-42 1PRU 27-1-42 Middle East 2PRU Heliopolis 17-3-42 C2 ops 13-10-42 Swung on landing and overturned Petah Tiqva CE 3-3-45 SOC 29-3-45
AD117 |
Vb |
12MU 22-9-41 411S 3-10-41 Shot down by Bf109 nr Calais 16-12-41 Sgt T D Holden killed
12MU 22-9-41 411S 3-10-41 Shot down by Bf109 nr Calais 16-12-41 Sgt T D Holden killed
AB422 |
?f |
FF 6-1-42 (Y camera) Henley 6MU 12-1-42 1PRU 17-2-42 Missing on PR sortie to Kassel 28-8-42
FF 6-1-42 (Y camera) Henley 6MU 12-1-42 1PRU 17-2-42 Missing on PR sortie to Kassel 28-8-42
AD118 |
Vb |
24MU 4-9-41 266S 13-9-41 154S 11-2-42 FAAC 13-3-42 ros 317S 27-5-42 GAL 340S 'GW-M' 20-8-42 453S 'FU-K' 6-11-42 FACB 20-12-42 AST 67ObsUSAAF ATC 17-10-43 AFDU 14-6-44 62OTU 19-10-44 SOC 30-7-45
24MU 4-9-41 266S 13-9-41 154S 11-2-42 FAAC 13-3-42 ros 317S 27-5-42 GAL 340S 'GW-M' 20-8-42 453S 'FU-K' 6-11-42 FACB 20-12-42 AST 67ObsUSAAF ATC 17-10-43 AFDU 14-6-44 62OTU 19-10-44 SOC 30-7-45
AB423 |
?f |
FF 7-1-42 (W camera) Henley 6MU 9-1-42 Benson 13-9-42 543S 7-11-42 SOC 5-12-43
FF 7-1-42 (W camera) Henley 6MU 9-1-42 Benson 13-9-42 543S 7-11-42 SOC 5-12-43
AD119 |
Vb |
38MU 31-8-41 308S 5-9-41 316S 13-12-41 Damaged by Fw190 nr Hardelot 29-4-42 recat E 5-5-42 SOC
38MU 31-8-41 308S 5-9-41 316S 13-12-41 Damaged by Fw190 nr Hardelot 29-4-42 recat E 5-5-42 SOC
AB424 |
?f |
FF 9-1-42 Henley 6MU 12-1-42 1PRU 28-2-42 543S 30-9-42 HAL 3-9-43 ? mods FAAC 19-10-43 Benson overran runway u/c collapse CE 20-2-45
FF 9-1-42 Henley 6MU 12-1-42 1PRU 28-2-42 543S 30-9-42 HAL 3-9-43 ? mods FAAC 19-10-43 Benson overran runway u/c collapse CE 20-2-45
AD120 |
Vb |
33MU 7-9-41 118S 17-9-41 ASTH 20-10-41 601S 14-3-42 133S 9-4-42 CAC ops 26-6-42 Westland VASM 4-2-43 fuel syst mods wing stiff Cunliffe-Owen Cv Seafire-Ib reserialled NX966 31-5-43
33MU 7-9-41 118S 17-9-41 ASTH 20-10-41 601S 14-3-42 133S 9-4-42 CAC ops 26-6-42 Westland VASM 4-2-43 fuel syst mods wing stiff Cunliffe-Owen Cv Seafire-Ib reserialled NX966 31-5-43
AB425 |
?f |
FF 9-1-42 Henley 6MU 11-1-42 1PRU 28-2-42 Missing from PR mission to Emden 23-4-42
FF 9-1-42 Henley 6MU 11-1-42 1PRU 28-2-42 Missing from PR mission to Emden 23-4-42
AD121 |
Vb |
12MU 7-9-41 403S 12-9-41 FACB 31-4-42 ros 222S 26-5-42 Damaged by flak and forcelanded Walcheren 31-5-42
12MU 7-9-41 403S 12-9-41 FACB 31-4-42 ros 222S 26-5-42 Damaged by flak and forcelanded Walcheren 31-5-42