AB426 |
?f |
FF 25-1-42 8MU 28-1-42 1PRU 27-2-42 FAAC 4-10-42 541S 19-12-42 1OADU 25-1-43 FAAC 26-1-43 NWAfrica 28-2-43 Middle East 30-9-43 218Grp NAfrica 30-11-43 SOC 30-11-44
FF 25-1-42 8MU 28-1-42 1PRU 27-2-42 FAAC 4-10-42 541S 19-12-42 1OADU 25-1-43 FAAC 26-1-43 NWAfrica 28-2-43 Middle East 30-9-43 218Grp NAfrica 30-11-43 SOC 30-11-44
AD122 |
Vb |
38MU 31-8-41 610S [11-9-41] Missing on sweep 21-9-41
38MU 31-8-41 610S [11-9-41] Missing on sweep 21-9-41
AB427 |
?f |
FF 25-1-42 8MU 28-1-42 1PRU 27-2-42 543S 30-9-42 Benson 22-10-42 SOC 5-12-43
FF 25-1-42 8MU 28-1-42 1PRU 27-2-42 543S 30-9-42 Benson 22-10-42 SOC 5-12-43
AD123 |
Vb |
6MU 16-8-41 71S 26-8-41 Abandoned during aerobatic practice after structural failure nr Woodford Essex 15-10-41 SOC 27-10-41 RAE 1-42
6MU 16-8-41 71S 26-8-41 Abandoned during aerobatic practice after structural failure nr Woodford Essex 15-10-41 SOC 27-10-41 RAE 1-42
AB428 |
?f |
FF 25-1-42 (W camera) 8MU 28-1-42 Benson 24-8-42 1PRU 3-9-42 FACB 24-9-42 541S 10-10-42 CB ops 5-3-43 1OADU 9-9-43 damaged landing 17SP 13-9-43 India 10-10-43 SOC 31-5-45
FF 25-1-42 (W camera) 8MU 28-1-42 Benson 24-8-42 1PRU 3-9-42 FACB 24-9-42 541S 10-10-42 CB ops 5-3-43 1OADU 9-9-43 damaged landing 17SP 13-9-43 India 10-10-43 SOC 31-5-45
AD124 |
Vb |
8MU 19-8-41 222S 20-8-41 602S 27-11-41 167S 6-4-42 CB ops 8-4-42 ros 167S 8-8-42 222S 27-8-42 401S 7-12-42 91S 9-12-42 317S 1-5-43 hit sea off Levistone Suffolk CE 12-5-43 F/O S Elmerych killed
8MU 19-8-41 222S 20-8-41 602S 27-11-41 167S 6-4-42 CB ops 8-4-42 ros 167S 8-8-42 222S 27-8-42 401S 7-12-42 91S 9-12-42 317S 1-5-43 hit sea off Levistone Suffolk CE 12-5-43 F/O S Elmerych killed
AB429 |
?f |
FF 26-1-42 8MU 30-1-42 1PRU 28-2-42 Overshot forced landing at South Marston FACE 26-3-42 Scottish Aviation FH17
FF 26-1-42 8MU 30-1-42 1PRU 28-2-42 Overshot forced landing at South Marston FACE 26-3-42 Scottish Aviation FH17
AD125 |
Vb |
45MU 20-8-41 92S 21-8-41 417S 6-2-42 242S 21-4-42 243S 6-6-42 Westland 15-3-43 VASM 28-6-43 fuel syst and elev mods S type pt MkIII IFF wing stiff bomb carrier 33MU RNDA 16-1-44 269S 31-1-44 CE ber 21-1-46 SOC 24-1-46
45MU 20-8-41 92S 21-8-41 417S 6-2-42 242S 21-4-42 243S 6-6-42 Westland 15-3-43 VASM 28-6-43 fuel syst and elev mods S type pt MkIII IFF wing stiff bomb carrier 33MU RNDA 16-1-44 269S 31-1-44 CE ber 21-1-46 SOC 24-1-46
AD126 |
Vb |
24MU 24-8-41 41S 28-8-41 Damaged by fighters on sweep and ditched off Friston 18-9-41 FH22.25
24MU 24-8-41 41S 28-8-41 Damaged by fighters on sweep and ditched off Friston 18-9-41 FH22.25
AD127 |
Vb |
37MU 6-9-41 118S 16-9-41 Westland 29-10-41 71S 27-4-42 CAC ops 19-8-42 ros 334USAAF 27-10-42 FACB 17-11-42 DeH VASM 22-6-43 fuel syst and elev mods wing stiff S type pt MkIII IFF Cunliffe-Owen 3-1-44 mods hook fitt RNAS...
37MU 6-9-41 118S 16-9-41 Westland 29-10-41 71S 27-4-42 CAC ops 19-8-42 ros 334USAAF 27-10-42 FACB 17-11-42 DeH VASM 22-6-43 fuel syst and elev mods wing stiff S type pt MkIII IFF Cunliffe-Owen 3-1-44 mods hook fitt RNAS Henstridge 13-4-44 Dundonald 5-44 (886S pilot) 761S Henstridge 12-44
AD128 |
Vb |
222S 22-8-41 GAL 26-9-41 504S 4-1-42 Engine cut on take-off hit hedge and crashed Kirkistown FACB 22-1-42 recat E 5-3-42
222S 22-8-41 GAL 26-9-41 504S 4-1-42 Engine cut on take-off hit hedge and crashed Kirkistown FACB 22-1-42 recat E 5-3-42
AB452 |
Vc |
?f |
Special FF 31-1-42 6MU 14-2-42 501S 'SD-Q' 6-5-42 FACB 27-8-42 AST 340S 15-12-43 52OTU 6-2-44 FLS Millfield 11-2-44 Engine cut bellylanded in field SW of Eshott 23-2-45 SOC CE 6-3-45
Special FF 31-1-42 6MU 14-2-42 501S 'SD-Q' 6-5-42 FACB 27-8-42 AST 340S 15-12-43 52OTU 6-2-44 FLS Millfield 11-2-44 Engine cut bellylanded in field SW of Eshott 23-2-45 SOC CE 6-3-45
AD129 |
Vb |
24MU 4-9-41 501S 'SD-K' 15-9-41 Missing on GA mission over France 17-11-41 Sgt R F C Dean killed
24MU 4-9-41 501S 'SD-K' 15-9-41 Missing on GA mission over France 17-11-41 Sgt R F C Dean killed
AB453 |
Vc |
FF 10-2-42 33MU 12-2-42 66S 12-4-42 FAAC 19-4-42 ros Westland 11-2-43 610S 17-5-43 stalled crashed Wesden Beacon Ivybridge Devon dbf 2-10-43 FH427.05
FF 10-2-42 33MU 12-2-42 66S 12-4-42 FAAC 19-4-42 ros Westland 11-2-43 610S 17-5-43 stalled crashed Wesden Beacon Ivybridge Devon dbf 2-10-43 FH427.05
AB454 |
VbT |
?f |
FF 31-1-42 33MU 10-2-42 Crosby Co 18-2-42 Queen Victoria 3-3-42 Malta 1-4-42 249S destroyed on ground Malta 6-4-42 FH17.45
FF 31-1-42 33MU 10-2-42 Crosby Co 18-2-42 Queen Victoria 3-3-42 Malta 1-4-42 249S destroyed on ground Malta 6-4-42 FH17.45