

SerialPicModelFactoryNotes    (click note to toggle full text)
R6988 Ia EA FF 20-7-40 8MU 21-7-40 234S 8-8-40 shot down nr Swanage P/O Hight killed 15-8-40 AST SOC 2-9-40
W3177 Vb HPA FF 9-5-41 6MU 11-5-41 74S 23-5-41 CB ops 21-6-41 GAL 313S 21-10-41 412S 16-4-42 u/c jammed belly landed West Malling 24-4-42
R6989 Ia EA FF 20-7-40 8MU 21-7-40 603S 'XT-X' 8-8-40 shot down C2 F/O Ritchie injured 28-8-40 Cunliffe-Owen 61OTU 2-9-41 FACB 1-12-41 ros 57OTU 28-7-42 engine failed crashed nr Holywell Flints CE 15-8-42
W3178 Vb CHA FF 9-5-41 6MU 10-5-41 74S 23-5-41 AST 8-7-41 401S 27-9-41 Shot down by flak attacking shipping in Channel 11-2-42
R6990 Ia EA FF 21-7-40 8MU 21-7-40 64S 26-7-40 C2 ops 31-7-40 64S shot down by Bf109 nr Dungeness P/O Andrear missing 15-8-40
W3179 Vb HPA FF 14-5-41 8MU 23-5-41 609S 28-5-41 shot down by Bf109 22-6-41 1CRU 92S 2-9-41 Missing from sweep to Abbeville 20-9-41 Sgt G P Hickman PoW
R6991 Ia EA FF 21-7-40 8MU 22-7-40 64S 6-8-40 damaged by Bf109 P/O Andrear returned to Kenley C2 11-8-40 Rollasons 266S 17-8-40 19S 12-9-40 damaged by Bf109 Sub/Lt Blake safe C2 15-9-40 Scottish Aviation 58OTU 16-2-41 61OTU 16-6-42... ...
W3180 Vb HPA FF 17-5-41 9MU 26-5-41 ? 609S 31-8-41 1CRU 7-9-41 VASM 22-3-43 fuel syst mods wing stiff 131S 8-7-43 310S 24-9-43 FACB 7-3-44 DeH Reid Sigrist refurb to Portugal 17-7-47
R6992 Ia EA FF 22-7-40 8MU 22-7-40 64S 6-8-40 damaged by Bf109 Sgt Mann safe C2 9-8-40 GAL 53OTU 25-6-41 FACB 2-1-42 Westland 1402Flt 28-4-42 Abandoned after instrument failure W of Ennyvale Co.Tyrone 20-9-42 SOC 21-9-42 FH54.05
W3181 Vb EA FF 19-5-41 6MU 27-5-41 ? 92S 11-6-41 CAC ops 28-6-41 72S 9-7-41 Ditched in English Channel while escorting Stirlings to Lille 19-7-41 Sgt R F Lewis killed
R6993 Ia EA FF 22-7-40 8MU 22-7-40 610S 'DW-W' 26-7-40 602S 14-12-40 303S 18-7-41 FAAC 25-7-41 61OTU 15-8-42 RNAS 19-5-43 809S 5-43 to 6-43 759S Yeovilton 8-43 to 11-43 794S Dale 11-43 761S Henstridge 3-44 Port u/c collapsed landing... ...
W3182 Vb EA FF 20-5-41 6MU 27-5-41 ? 92S 11-6-41 Missing escorting Blenheims to Mazingarbe 4-9-41 P/O J E T Asselin PoW
R6994 Ia EA FF 22-7-40 8MU 29-7-40 152S 18-8-40 shot down by Bf109 off Portland FTR 25-8-40 P/O Wildblood missing FH6.45
R6995 Ia EA FF 22-7-40 8MU 26-7-40 64S 29-7-40 Hit by cannon shell on interception C2 9-8-40 SOC 28-8-40
W3184 Va CHA FF 29-5-41 38MU 30-5-41 603S 26-6-41 Dived into sea 10m off Ramsgate while escorting Blenheims over France 24-7-41 Sgt G W Tabor killed
Source: Andrew Pentland's Spitfire Production Site (with permission). Status is our own field - we rely on users to modify