

SerialPicModelFactoryNotes    (click note to toggle full text)
P8527 IIb CBAF 37MU 18-4-41 610S 6-6-41 616S 19-7-41 315S 27-7-41 266S 7-9-41 124S 21-9-41 54S 18-11-41 53OTU 5-6-42 dived into ground nr Pontypool Road Glam CE 24-8-42
P8529 IIb CBAF 45MU 22-5-41 118S 23-6-41 132S 14-10-41 CAC 13-3-42 LMS 58OTU 16-1-43 Control lost in cloud crashed Airdrie Mains Farm nr Slamannan Stirling 8-4-43 SOC FH217.40
P8530 IIb CBAF 24MU 23-4-41 145S 2-6-41 124S 31-10-41 54S 18-11-41 61OTU 30-6-42 air collision with P8628 crashed Bowmer Heath Salop CE 10-9-42 SOC
P8532 Vb CBAF 6MU 2-6-41 92S 21-6-41 FTR ops 26-6-41
P8534 IIb CBAF 24MU 22-4-41 610S 11-6-41 616S 3-11-41 1CAEF 3-3-42 FAAC 25-3-42 ros 58OTU 8-7-43 61OTU 29-4-44 ASTH 18-5-44 recat E 25-7-44
P8535 IIb CBAF 45MU 28-5-41 118S 29-6-41 124S 26-9-41 54S 18-11-41 58OTU 4-4-42 61OTU 18-4-44 FAAC 28-4-44 ros SOC 26-12-44
P8536 IIb CBAF 37MU 19-4-41 145S 19-6-41 Missing escorting Blenheims to Lille presumed shot down by Bf109s 2-7-41 FH35.45
P8537 Vb CBAF 6MU 2-6-41 92S 26-6-41 AST 16-7-41 313S 2-11-41 CB ops 28-3-42 AST 2-4-42 hook fitt 4-9-42 RNAS Lee on Solent as hooked Spit 18-9-42 Yeovilton 13-11-42 808S Charlton Horethorne stalled landing in bad weather u/c collapse... ...
P8538 Vb CBAF 6MU 2-6-41 1FPP overshot Biggin Hill hit barracks on del flt to 92S CE 26-6-41 ASTH 28-6-41 SOC 3-7-41
P8539 Vb CBAF 6MU 2-6-41 611S 8-7-41 Shot down by Bf109s nr Lille while escorting Stirlings to Chocques CB 10-7-41 SOC 10-7-41 bboc 61OTU air collision P8608 (FII) crashed Bomere Heath Salop CE 10-9-42
P8540 IIb CBAF 39MU 26-6-41 315S 2-8-41 132S 20-11-41 52OTU 8-4-42 13GCF 26-8-43 FAAC 3-12-43 ros Scottish Aviation 25-7-44 recat E SOC 16-8-44
P8541 IIb CBAF 24MU 26-6-41 64S 21-7-41 222S 21-7-41 Missing from escorting Hampdens to St.Omer 12-8-41
P8542 Vb CBAF 33MU 15-6-41 610S 7-7-41 Missing escorting Blenheims to Arcques 13-10-41
P8543 IIb CBAF 9MU 15-6-41 308S 19-7-41 132S 20-9-41 3SGR 10-3-42 1CACF 3-4-42 57OTU 28-3-43 ? Tyre burst on take-off and u/c collapsed Eshott CAC 27-8-44 recat E 3-9-44
P8544 IIb CBAF MU 14-6-41 74S 5-7-41 Hit by flak nr St.Omer and ditched in Channel 17-7-41
Source: Andrew Pentland's Spitfire Production Site (with permission). Status is our own field - we rely on users to modify