

SerialPicModelFactoryNotes    (click note to toggle full text)
W3649 Vb ? FF 1-8-41 6MU 5-8-41 602S 16-8-41 303S 28-10-41 485S 'FV-B' 24-12-41 Missing from sweep off Gap Gris Nez 28-3-42 G/C F V Beamish DSO DFC AFC killed
W3646 Vb EA FF 2-8-41 6MU 5-8-41 452S 16-8-41 GAL 21-9-41 145S 22-11-41 350S 11-2-42 VASM 29-7-42 mods FAAC 26-8-42 ros FACB 18-11-42 DeH Cunliffe-Owen 31-5-43 Cv Seafire-Ib reserialled NX965 cancel later Cunliffe-Owen 11-8-43 RNDA... ...
W3645 Vb ? FF 31-7-41 6MU 3-8-41 485S 15-8-41 CB ops 18-12-41 ASTH 121S 30-4-42 Ditched after attack on shipping off Walcheren 31-5-42 F/Lt T W Allen killed
W3638 Vb EA FF 19-7-41 9MU 20-7-41 602S 25-3-42 PPSM 6-6-42 411S 8-1-43 402S 25-3-43 19S 2-4-43 65S 30-6-43 26S 22-5-44 Bellylanded FAAC 18-12-44 recat E SOC 1-1-45
W3632 Vb EA FF 15-7-41 6MU 21-7-41 603S 24-7-41 54S 20-9-41 124S 17-1-42 5USAAF 6-8-42 109Obs 28-2-43 VASM 12-3-43 mods 341S 16-6-43 340S FFS 26-7-43 1TEU 3-6-44 57OTU 17-8-44 FAAC 18-10-44 SOC 29-11-45
W3628 Vb EA FF 14-7-41 6MU 20-7-41 603S 24-7-41 ASTH 11-11-41 crashed on del flt 17-12-41 ASTH 611S 9-2-42 315S 13-4-42 flew into hill 20m from Preston Yorks 16-7-42 SOC 25-7-42
W3618 Vb ?f FF 31-7-41 39MU 1-8-41 Starveall Farm dispersal 72S 30-8-41 315S 1-9-41 HAL 23-9-41 AST 12-6-42 RNAS 880S Stretton 4-9-42 ASTH 3-10-42 hook fitt RNAS Lee on Solent 28-10-42 808S Machrihanish 12-42 to 1-43 768S Abbotsinch... ...
W3579 Vb ?f FF 31-7-41 33MU 1-8-41 485S 7-8-41 HAL 23-10-41 Shot down by flak while escorting Hurricanes to Bourbourg Canal nr Dunkerque 31-10-41 W/C E N Ryder DFC PoW
W3578 Vb ?f FF 30-7-41 33MU 1-8-41 485S 7-8-41 Hit by P8718 while parked at Kenley FACE 11-1-42 SOC
W3577 Vb ?f FF 30-7-41 33MU 1-8-41 485S 'OU-O' 7-8-41 Ramrod 17 to Le Havre pm Crash-landed on the beach 27-3-42 F/Sgt W M Krebs killed
W3530 Vb CHA FF 8-7-41 24MU 11-7-41 485S 30-8-41 crashed into hill in bad weather nr Lavant CE 26-9-41 SOC 5-10-41 to 4871M
W3528 Vb CHA FF 4-7-41 24MU 7-7-41 485S 30-8-41 118S 10-4-42 VASM 24-8-42 fuel syst mods 93S 30-9-42 317S 24-1-43 FAAC 11-4-43 ros 611S 20-5-43 306S 20-6-43 316S 6-12-43 222S 1-1-44 FAAC 14-1-44 ros VASM 20-4-44 mods 277S 10-6-44 SOC... ...
W3507 Vb HPA FF 21-6-41 37MU 28-6-41 315S 30-8-41 ASTH 14-2-42 317S 5-9-42 FACB 7-4-43 VASM 28-6-43 fuel syst mods MkIII IFF bomb carrier 316S 18-12-43 FAAC 31-12-43 ros 129S 4-3-44 61OTU 28-9-44 sold scrap J.Dale 8-7-48
W3438 Vb EA FF 28-6-41 45MU 4-7-41 54S 11-7-41 403S 'KH-G' 4-8-41 Abandoned during sweep over France 21-8-41 SOC 22-8-41 F/O J D McKenna RCAF baled out but died of wounds
W3424 Vb EA FF 21-6-41 24MU 23-6-41 616S 22-7-41 Westland 18-8-41 317S 'JH-Q' 1-11-41 Wheel hit hole on take-off for sweep and u/c leg broke off crashlanded Northolt CAC 3-5-42 SOC CE 29-5-42
Source: Andrew Pentland's Spitfire Production Site (with permission). Status is our own field - we rely on users to modify