

SerialPicModelFactoryNotes    (click note to toggle full text)
BL549 Vb CBAF 6MU 22-1-42 302S Hit by flak nr Foret de Boulogne 23-7-42
BL547 Vb CBAF 12MU 28-12-41 134S 8-1-42 81S 5-4-42 340S 4-5-42 CAC ops 11-5-42 ros 302S 10-11-42 struck by R6888 landing Heston CE 20-12-42 1AGS 20-1-45 Portsmouth Aviation 4-9-45 SOC 10-9-45
BL545 Vb CBAF 37MU 22-12-41 308S 26-1-42 336S 27-10-42 USAAF 9-10-43 HAL 10-4-44 26S 17-6-44 41OTU 8-2-45 287S 8-2-45 SOC 28-8-45
BL540 Vb CBAF 37MU 17-1-42 [148S 5-2-42] 350S 11-2-42 VASM 17-8-42 mods M46 install 164S 8-12-42 341S 21-2-43 340S 23-3-43 FAAC 17-4-43 ros RNDA 20-2-44 39MU 7-4-44 57OTU 595S 14-6-45 SOC 6-9-45
BL527 Vb CBAF 12MU 24-12-41 134S 8-1-42 81S 4-4-42 91S 'DL-N' 24-5-42 PPSM 18-6-42 FAAC 21-10-42 Westland VASM 3-3-43 mods Cv Seafire-Ib reserialled PA100
BL488 Vb CBAF 24MU 5-12-41 71S 8-2-42 334USAAF 11-10-43 VASM 16-11-43 fuel syst elev and rud mods S type pt MkIII IFF bomb carrier RNDA 26-2-44 761S Henstridge 23-3-44 Cunliffe-Owen 23-3-44 RNAS Henstridge 23-6-44 as trainer BUT 885S... ...
BL469 Vb CBAF 38MU 23-12-41 134S 7-1-42 81S 5-4-42 340S 4-5-42 FACB 12-2-43 AST VASM 16-2-43 fuel syst mods wing stiff 19S 29-5-43 DeH 18-6-43 315S hit hill in formation with AR338 and W3427 Clady Corner Co Antrim CE 11-9-43
BL449 Vb CBAF 24MU 5-12-41 71S 26-2-42 CAC ops 1-6-42 ros 344USAAF 1-10-42 FACB 30-12-42 Westland 222MU 22-10-43 Pandorian 25-11-43 Portugal 8-12-43
BL444 Vb CBAF 6MU 27-12-41 133S 5-1-42 74S 26-1-42 FACB 20-3-42
BL425 Vb CBAF 24MU 25-11-41 145S 17-12-41 FACB 15-1-42 AST 65S 9-6-42 FACB 23-7-42 Shorts Harland 91S 22-1-43 317S 6-4-43 412S 29-6-43 DeH 20-11-43 M46 install 501S 15-8-44 61OTU 28-9-44 SOC 14-5-45
BL415 Vb CBAF 24MU 23-12-41 54S 7-3-42 FAA 7-5-42 167S 31-5-42 610S 14-10-42 AST 27-11-42 VASM 15-2-43 fuel syst mods wing stiff 412S 15-6-43 317S 28-6-43 312S 4-10-43 441S 27-2-44 234S 20-5-44 17FTS 18-11-44 SOC 4-7-46
BL385 Vb CBAF LFLRVb 24MU 28-11-41 485S 13-1-42 FACB 12-3-42 ros 411S 30-6-42 VASM 17-4-43 fuel syst mods wing stiff 611S 19-7-43 308S 29-7-43 349S 29-10-43 303S 6-3-44 Metro CommSqn 25-10-44 FAAC 16-3-45 Overturned in forced landing... ...
BL384 Vb CBAF 12MU 27-11-41 457S 11-12-41 452S 23-3-42 into sea off St.Bees Head Cumberland 10-4-42 FH80.30
BL376 Vb CBAF 5MU 12-12-41 71S 31-12-41 CAC ops 27-2-42 ros 334USAAF 1-10-42 CAC ops 15-12-42 ros 335S 28-1-43 315S 22-9-43 VASM 22-12-43 fuel syst mods 278S 18-4-44 376S 18-1-45
BL370 Vb CBAF 37MU 23-11-41 130S 8-12-41 124S 28-4-42 130S 31-12-42 610S 20-2-43 350S 27-3-43 FACB 11-5-43 Scottish Aviation 118S 3-8-43 64S 25-9-43 53OTU 11-8-44 CE 30-9-44
Source: Andrew Pentland's Spitfire Production Site (with permission). Status is our own field - we rely on users to modify