

SerialPicModelFactoryNotes    (click note to toggle full text)
P8194 IIa CBAF 10MU 16-3-41 91S 'DL-M' 9-4-41 234S 3-5-41 66S 14-7-41 152S 14-1-42 57OTU 7-8-42 DeH 8-4-43 prop mod to turn to minus 25deg for use as landing brake AAEE 14-9-43 trials with mod prop. Reduced landing run from 465yds to 2... ...
P8175 IIa CBAF 33MU 13-3-41 66S 24-4-41 HAL 111S 11-8-41 403S 3-9-41 457S 23-9-41 57OTU 14-2-42 force-landed crashed nr Huxley Cheshire CB 25-7-42 recat E 31-7-42
P8144 IIa CBAF 24MU 6-3-41 222S 30-3-41 74S 8-8-41 350S 18-12-41 61OTU 28-3-42 57OTU 5-8-42 air collision with P7856 crashed Shilbottle Northumberland CE 7-5-43 SOC 13-5-43
P8098 IIa CBAF 9MU 9-3-41 609S 3-5-41 ? force-landed 21-5-41 GAL 130S 24-8-41 hit dispersal hut on aerodrome beat-up Porthreath 11-10-41 SOC 17-10-41
P8081 IIa CBAF 37MU 28-2-41 222S 13-3-41 452S 27-5-41 312S 20-10-41 FACB 17-11-41 Scottish Aviation 58OTU 1-7-42 overturned landing Balado Bridge CE 18-5-43 SOC 28-5-43 recat B 1-6-43 53OTU 26-10-43 7PAFU 6-11-44 1AGS 18-2-45 SOC 21-5-... ...
P8080 IIa CBAF 37MU 10-3-41 602S 1-7-41 71S 10-8-41 401S 9-9-41 61OTU 5-10-42 57OTU 28-11-42 Spun into ground during practice dogfight High House Farm Alnwick CE 1-3-43
P8044 IIa CBAF 45MU 23-2-41 41S 7-4-41 145S 28-7-41 Control lost in cloud dived into ground Kirby Moorside Yorks dbf 28-10-41 SOC 30-10-41 FH523.25
P7849 IIa CBAF 12MU 9-1-41 19S Cv V M45 to USAAC 18-11-42
P7833 IIa CBAF 6MU 1-1-41 54S 5-4-41 Missing believed after engine failure on patrol off Clacton [Me110?] 20-4-41 SOC 30-5-41 P/O Colebrook killed
P7744 IIa CBAF 9MU 7-12-40 66S 18-3-41 118S 'NK-J' 9-4-41 403S 19-7-41 54S 4-8-41 122S 15-9-41 74S 22-11-41 350S 4-1-42 57OTU 15-5-42 61OTU 2-2-43 57OTU 26-6-43 FACB 22-7-43 SOC 28-4-45
P7698 IIa CBAF 45MU 29-11-40 611S 28-2-41 308S 26-5-41 416S 22-12-41 58OTU 4-5-42 FACE 3-9-43 recat B 11-9-43 57OTU 2-6-44
P7531 IIa CBAF 27MU 25-10-40 RAE tail deflection with various loads in dives 421Flt 8-11-40 91S 14-2-41 Abandoned on shipping recce and crashed in sea off Ramsgate Kent 24-4-41 SOC 1-5-41
P7443 IIa CBAF 8MU 1-10-40 616S 12-10-40 41S 24-10-40 54S 'KL-E' 24-2-41 FTR after combat Bf109 nr Calais while escorting Blenheims 26-2-41 FH98.05 Sgt Squire POW
P7370 IIa CBAF 8MU 5-9-40 74S 10-9-40 shot down by Bf109 over Maidstone Sgt Kirk abandoned aircraft died later 20-10-40 SOC 31-10-40
P7297 IIa CBAF 37MU 27-7-40 266S 6-9-40 603S 17-10-40 602S 6-7-41 41S 6-8-41 33MU 18-11-41 Cv V M45 350S 'MN-A' 17-12-41 SF Northolt 23-3-42 61OTU 2-6-44 SOC 21-11-44
Source: Andrew Pentland's Spitfire Production Site (with permission). Status is our own field - we rely on users to modify