

SerialPicModelFactoryNotes    (click note to toggle full text)
VP478 Seafire-47 SM RNDA 30-6-48 SM 30-6-48 RNAS Anthorn 2-7-48
TX994 FRXIV ALD 29MU 3-5-45 222MU 10-6-45 Empire Gambia 6-8-45 India 30-8-45 ACSEA 13-9-45 SOC 28-8-47
VP479 Seafire-47 SM RNDA 30-6-48 SM 30-6-48 RNAS Anthorn 8-7-48 VA EA 26-5-51 Stretton 25-6-55 cocooned
TX995 FRXIV ALD 29MU 12-5-45 453S 6-9-45 to BAF as SG-49 10-7-48
VP480 Seafire-47 SM RNDA 30-6-48 SM 30-6-48 RNAS Anthorn 8-7-48 Stretton 24-2-51
TX996 FRXIV EA 39MU 29-4-45 47MU 25-9-45 Samconstant 3-12-45 India 3-1-46 ACSEA 31-1-46 390MU SOC 13-1-48
VP481 Seafire-47 SM RNDA 30-7-48 SM 30-7-48 RNAS Anthorn 21-9-48
TX997 FRXIV ALD 6MU 3-5-45 222MU 30-5-45 Empire Kumasi 19-7-45 India 14-8-45 ACSEA 13-9-45 SOC 24-4-47
VP482 Seafire-47 SM RNDA 10-9-48 SM 10-9-48 RNAS Anthorn 21-9-48 VA EA 30-7-51 Stretton 25-6-55 cocooned
TX998 FRXIV ALD 9MU 2-5-45 26S 14-6-45 602S 29-7-47 29MU surplus 10-3-49 nea 31-3-53 SOC 22-9-53
VP483 Seafire-47 SM RNDA 14-9-48 SM 14-9-48 RNAS Anthorn 21-9-48 VA EA 27-6-51 Stretton 25-6-55 cocooned
VP484 Seafire-47 SM RNDA 14-9-48 SM 14-9-48 RNAS Anthorn 24-9-48 VA EA 10-7-51 1833S Bramcote 25-7-52 Stretton 25-6-55 cocooned
TZ103 FRXIV ALD 6MU 23-5-45 26S 14-6-45 613S 'RAT-H' 3-7-47 49MU BoB 12-9-49 nea 22-9-50 sold VA 11-12-50
VP485 Seafire-47 SM RNDA 14-9-48 SM 14-9-48 RNAS Anthorn 24-9-48 rep 1949 GBP1196/2/6d SM 28-2-50 Anthorn 10-3-50 VA EA 28-7-51 1833S Bramcote 26-7-52 Stretton 25-6-55 cocooned
TZ104 FRXIV KEA 29MU 6-5-45 FAAC 4-6-45 82MU 30-8-45 Ocean Gallent 17-9-45 India 14-10-45 ACSEA 29-11-45 6RIAF Engine cut abandoned nr Palaman Bihar CE dbf 18-3-47 SOC 26-6-47
Source: Andrew Pentland's Spitfire Production Site (with permission). Status is our own field - we rely on users to modify