
HARRISON, Norman Douglas


rank: S/L
status: survived
airforce: RNZAF    (no: NZ413068 )
born: New Zealand

added by: Justin

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Bio / Text:

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F/Lt Harrison arrived 73 squadron from 1435 squadron on 19.03.44 .Assumes command of (B) flight.

The middle of May 44 S/Ldr Harrison was posted to command 32 Squadron.

During his time as CO of 32 Sqn May-Aug 1944 Harrison was shot down, but with the aid of partisans made it back to his squadron within ten days.

25.8.44 S/Ldr Harrison posted to No. 3 Base Personnel Depot as Tour Expired.

Died 5th September 2002


Squadrons add
RAF 73 1944-03-01
RAF 32 1944-05-01


JL235 Practice flying 1944-03-20
LZ838 Patrolled Allied invasion craft over Vis.Later 2 ferries were attacked. Troops were making a dash for shelter. Stern under water the last attack 1944-03-22
MA359 Patrol Split. At Šolta saw 13 small ships & schooners. Attacks made all shipping damaged. Straffed E boat at Zastražišće hits all over it. 1944-03-23
MA359 From Cutella to base 1944-03-23
JK991 Searched for rafts from ditched B.24's. One found empty and other reported oil patches. 1944-03-24
JK991 Local flying & practice formation. 1944-03-28
EF630 To Brindisi 1240 to 1320 1944-03-29
EF630 From Brindisi 1450 to 1530 1944-03-29
JK546 Recce Dalmatian islands. Motor boat sunk Vela Luka harbour. Barges, schooners & lauch hit. 1944-03-30
MA311 Patrol of Vis area. 3 bandits reported by make off. 1944-04-03
JK337 Practice dive bombing. 1944-04-06
EF630 Shipping recce Dalmatian coast. Made wide search but saw nothing. 1944-04-07
MA640 Sweep at Poljica bay 4 schooners attacked & damaged. Locos damaged & blew up 1944-04-07
MA640 Sweep at Poljica bay 4 schooners attacked & damaged. Locos damaged & blew up 1944-04-07
MH359 Recce of Zadar & Zemunik Donji. See what appeared to be R.D.F station. 1944-04-11
JK337 Bombing & strafing of Loviste all bombs seemed to be around and on targets. No flak & shipping seen. 1944-04-15
JK337 Bombing & strafing mission at Lumdarda Harbour what appeared to be storage buildings. Bombs fell short. Attacked schooner end to end with hits. 1944-04-16
MA532 Patrolled Vieste at 10,000ft without incident. 1944-04-17
EF630 Bombing & strafing of Ston. 1944-04-18
JG866 Shipping recce of Dalmatian coast road N.W of Mijet Island. 2 barges attacked on left on fire. Searched for certain gun sites in area, pit was found but empty. 1944-04-21
EF630 2 lX top cover & 2 spits VC bombed a fair sized vessel at a inlet S. of Dunta Doli. Two direct hits then all 4 spit strafed the vessel. 1944-04-23
JK338 Attacked lorry at Vitina, schooner at Ljubs. Camouflaged M.T unit seen & left 3 framers. 1944-05-01
JK446 Bombing misson to Ploca. Bombs dropped at 3500ft and seen to drop on land away from target vessels. 1944-05-02
MA311 Scrambled but plot proved friendly. 1944-05-03
JK337 Escort to 4 Hurricanes of 6 squadron to attack schooners. On return Sgt Williams reported engine trouble and baled out but was caught up and fell with A/C. Killed 1944-05-03
JK672 While practice flying was told to search for wreckage 8 miles out on Manfredonia, found nothing. 1944-05-04
JK978 To Sanvito 0805 to 0905 1944-05-05
JK978 From San Vito to base (returning from official business at group headquarters near Taranto) 1944-05-05
EF652 Sweep Dalmatian coast. Two masted 150ft merchant vessel strafed & damaged. House holding enemy troops strafed by all Spits & slit trenches near by where troops were running strafed. At Drace 20 loaded mules were also attacked 1944-05-07
JK307 Sweep Dalmatian coast & inland. Severely damaged a stationary coach near Vitina. Very few targets noticed. On returning to base gun positions on Lovište strafed. 1944-05-09
JK383 Shipping & weather recce at Mariska flak encountered Harper baled out. Circled dinghy in turn until he was picked up. 1944-05-11
F/Lt Harrison has been promoted to S/L & is now commanding 32 Squadron. 1944-05-13
JF560 To Vis 0525 to 0605 1944-05-15
JF566 Recce in Yugoslavia from Vis 0705 to 0915 1944-05-15
MA424 Flew to Vis 0515 to 0620 1944-05-20
JL254 Return from Vis 0600 to 0640 1944-05-21
MA650 To advanced base (Vis) 1944-05-25
MA650 E-boat recce off the mouth of Kotar channel. Nothing sighted. 1944-05-25
MA708 To Vis 1030 to 1110 1944-05-26
MA640 Escort for Spitfire bombers to Bilice. Return early owing to R/T trouble 1200 to 1210. 1944-05-26
JL254 Carried out sweep of Bilice. 1944-05-26
JL226 Base to Vis 0645 to 0725 1944-05-28
JL226 Patrol of Vis, uneventful. 1015 to 1200 1944-05-28
JL226 Vis to base 1230 to 1310 1944-05-28
MA537 Cover given to Mauraders bombing Banja Luka. Smoke & fires seen from 40 miles. 1944-05-31
MA532 Escort three DC.3 to Vis 0505 to 0555 1944-06-09
MA532 Escort three DC.3 to Yugoslavia 1944-06-09
ES362 To Vis for operations. Diverted to scramble 2 bandits chased but escaped into clouds. 1944-06-16
ES362 Sweep of roads at Imotski 1944-06-29
JL231 Patrol roads 2 M.T's & 1 staff car destroyed. Another staff car damaged with smoke rising from it. 1944-07-18
ES192 Strafing g M.T's about 12 vehicles shot up with 3 being flames. 1944-07-19
JK546 To Vis for operations 1944-07-26
JK546 Swept roads at Ljubinje, Berkovici & Mostaci. Strafed 3 armored car & troop billed. 1944-07-26
JK360 Fighter cover for troops in the Himare area. 1944-07-29
EF538 Bombed monastery at Ljubuški. All bombs missed. 1944-08-05
S/Ldr Harrison posted, tour Expired. 1944-08-25


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