JK722 |
Vc |
45MU 26-2-43 215MU 12-3-43 SS672 25-3-43 Gibraltar 12-4-43 NAfrica 1-5-43 Middle East 1-9-43 Malta Sicily 1-10-43 NWAfricanAF 1-11-43 SOC 8-3-44 bboc 29-3-45 REAF
45MU 26-2-43 215MU 12-3-43 SS672 25-3-43 Gibraltar 12-4-43 NAfrica 1-5-43 Middle East 1-9-43 Malta Sicily 1-10-43 NWAfricanAF 1-11-43 SOC 8-3-44 bboc 29-3-45 REAF
TX980 |
CRD R-RH 6-9-45 G65 removed after perf trials G105 install with 3-speed supercharger for comparison trials 52MU 20-10-48 CE 25-10-48
CRD R-RH 6-9-45 G65 removed after perf trials G105 install with 3-speed supercharger for comparison trials 52MU 20-10-48 CE 25-10-48
P8463 |
IIa |
24MU 19-6-41 303S 30-6-41 Shot down into sea on escort Sgt J Gorecki rescued 74hrs later 2-7-41
24MU 19-6-41 303S 30-6-41 Shot down into sea on escort Sgt J Gorecki rescued 74hrs later 2-7-41
W3944 |
Vb |
FF 12-9-41 33MU 13-9-41 315S 22-9-41 Missing on sweep 8-11-41 S/Ldr W Szczeszniewki PoW
FF 12-9-41 33MU 13-9-41 315S 22-9-41 Missing on sweep 8-11-41 S/Ldr W Szczeszniewki PoW
BS139 |
IX |
EA |
FF 12-8-42 AAEE 14-8-42 carbon monoxide cockpit contam tests 27-9-42 fuel syst trials 10-42 intensive fly trials 5-11-42 spin trials 9-12-42 flame damping trials. The multi ejector fish tail manifolds produced excessive...
FF 12-8-42 AAEE 14-8-42 carbon monoxide cockpit contam tests 27-9-42 fuel syst trials 10-42 intensive fly trials 5-11-42 spin trials 9-12-42 flame damping trials. The multi ejector fish tail manifolds produced excessive exhaust glow. After FH117 the M61 failed and nine new tyres were fitt during a total of 258 landing Dive recovery behaviour tests CRD R-RH for new eng. trials with 30gal overload tank FACE 23-12-42 FH159.10
X4352 |
Ia |
EA |
FF 5-9-40 24MU 7-9-40 19S 13-9-40 shot down by Bf109 over Kent P/O E Burgoyne killed 27-9-40 SOC 31-10-40
FF 5-9-40 24MU 7-9-40 19S 13-9-40 shot down by Bf109 over Kent P/O E Burgoyne killed 27-9-40 SOC 31-10-40
K9982 |
Ia |
EA |
FF 17-5-39 611S 20-5-39 152S 9-2-40 shot down off IoW 16.40hrs F/O Deanesley abandoned aircraft injured 26-9-40 SOC
FF 17-5-39 611S 20-5-39 152S 9-2-40 shot down off IoW 16.40hrs F/O Deanesley abandoned aircraft injured 26-9-40 SOC
K9984 |
Ia |
EA |
FF 19-5-39 611S 22-5-39 616S 9-2-40 FA 27-4-40 7OTU 21-7-40 FAC2 21-9-40 SOC 3-10-40
FF 19-5-39 611S 22-5-39 616S 9-2-40 FA 27-4-40 7OTU 21-7-40 FAC2 21-9-40 SOC 3-10-40
K9985 |
Ia |
EA |
FF 19-5-39 611S 22-5-39 Flew into ground out of cloud on navex 5mn SW of Wattisham 2-9-39 P/O Leech killed SOC FH54.30
FF 19-5-39 611S 22-5-39 Flew into ground out of cloud on navex 5mn SW of Wattisham 2-9-39 P/O Leech killed SOC FH54.30
K9986 |
Ia |
EA |
FF 20-5-39 66S 22-5-39 crashed at night Duxford 6-9-39 SOC 18-9-39
FF 20-5-39 66S 22-5-39 crashed at night Duxford 6-9-39 SOC 18-9-39
K9987 |
Ia |
EA |
FF 22-5-39 66S 'RB-V' 23-5-39 Hit hedge on approach and crash-landed Duxford 31-9-39 SOC FH53.90
FF 22-5-39 66S 'RB-V' 23-5-39 Hit hedge on approach and crash-landed Duxford 31-9-39 SOC FH53.90
K9995 |
Ia |
EA |
FF 26-5-39 504S 2-11-39 603S 6-11-39 C2 ops 19-7-40 1CRU 602S 19-8-40 65S 27-8-40 FA 27-8-40 Cunliffe-Owen 57OTU hit ground fly low off Dee Estuary 8-6-41 ros 57OTU 6-9-41 FACE total wreck 21-9-41 SOC 14-10-41
FF 26-5-39 504S 2-11-39 603S 6-11-39 C2 ops 19-7-40 1CRU 602S 19-8-40 65S 27-8-40 FA 27-8-40 Cunliffe-Owen 57OTU hit ground fly low off Dee Estuary 8-6-41 ros 57OTU 6-9-41 FACE total wreck 21-9-41 SOC 14-10-41
K9997 |
Ia |
EA |
FF 1-6-39 504S 2-11-39 603S 6-11-39 AST 6-1-40 FACB 17-4-40 609S 4-6-40 damaged enemy action 12-8-40 7OTU 5-10-40 Scottish Aviation 22-4-41 53OTU 17-7-41 ros 20-9-41 Swung on landing and tipped up Llandow later hit by X4...
FF 1-6-39 504S 2-11-39 603S 6-11-39 AST 6-1-40 FACB 17-4-40 609S 4-6-40 damaged enemy action 12-8-40 7OTU 5-10-40 Scottish Aviation 22-4-41 53OTU 17-7-41 ros 20-9-41 Swung on landing and tipped up Llandow later hit by X4891 CE 24-1-42
K9998 |
Ia |
EA |
FF 1-6-39 504S 2-11-39 603S 6-11-39 AST 24-2-40 92S 2-7-40 7OTU 1-11-40 Westland 4-11-40 7OTU 4-11-40 57OTU FACB 16-8-41 crash-landed Hawarden 26-8-41 1CRU to 2822M 6SoTT 27-12-41
FF 1-6-39 504S 2-11-39 603S 6-11-39 AST 24-2-40 92S 2-7-40 7OTU 1-11-40 Westland 4-11-40 7OTU 4-11-40 57OTU FACB 16-8-41 crash-landed Hawarden 26-8-41 1CRU to 2822M 6SoTT 27-12-41
K9999 |
Ia |
EA |
FF 1-6-39 10MU 5-6-39 611S 'FY-D' 18-9-39 152S 15-2-40 shot down by Ju88 off IoW 12-8-40
FF 1-6-39 10MU 5-6-39 611S 'FY-D' 18-9-39 152S 15-2-40 shot down by Ju88 off IoW 12-8-40