


rank: F/Sgt
status: survived
airforce: RAF
born: Lithgow Australia

added by: Richard Worrell

All Images:

Bio / Text:

< = expand >
This was my grandfather, who was part of 607 sqdn. He was based in Burma 1943 thru 1944. Took part in the Calcutta raid on 5th December 1943. He flew a mark viii spitfire (MA368) and was wingman for M W Coombes over Imphal. He also spent time in Mosquitos, still with 607 sqdn i believe.


Squadrons add
RAF 607 1942-01-01


MA265 Target for 615 sq 0199-03-05
MA265 Target for 615 sq 0199-03-05
In September 1943 the squadrons Hurricanes were replaced with Spitfires 1943-09-01
(Harvard FE599) Advanced attacks. 1943-10-11
MA686 Familiarization on Spitfires 1943-10-24
MA368 Local flying 09.40 to 09.55 1943-10-24
MA368 Local flying 10.10 to 10.45 1943-10-24
JG865 Local flying. Formation 1943-10-25
MA368 Flying pratice. Formation. 1943-10-30
MA368 Flying practice. Formation 1943-10-30
MA368 Flying practice & formation 1943-10-31
MA368 Formation 1943-11-02
MA677 Altitude test. Air test. Quarter Attacks 1943-11-10
MA677 Aerobatics 1943-11-14
Hurricane HM129 from Kanchrapara. 1943-11-15
MA677 Local flying & formation 1943-11-22
Scramble 1943-11-23
Scramble 1943-11-23
MA367 Local formation 1943-12-03
MA686 Scramble 1943-12-03
MA368 Calcutta raid 05 dec 1943 second wave at 0950 to 1110 hrs 1943-12-05
MA672 Convoy patrol 1943-12-08
MA367 Scramble 1943-12-11
MA296 Scramble 1943-12-15
MA674 Patrol 1943-12-17
MA677 Shadow firing 1943-12-20
MA367 Scramble 1943-12-24
MA686 Scrable 1943-12-26
MA674 Scramble 1943-12-29
MA686 Scramble 1943-12-31
MA367 Scramble 1944-01-02
MA347 Pratice attacks 1944-01-13
MA368 Squadron scramble 1944-01-15
MA347 Scramble 1944-01-16
MA677 Practice attacks 1944-01-19
MA347 Cover to Vengeances strike Maingdaw road 1944-01-25
MA367 Shipping recce 1944-01-28
MA368 Cine gun attacks 1944-01-28
MA299 Ramu to Fenny 1944-01-31
MA299 Fenny to Ramu 1944-02-01
MA674 Patrol Taung Bazar 1944-02-03
MA674 Scramble 1944-02-04
MA368 To Chitters 1944-02-07
MA368 From Chitters 08.15 to 08.40 1944-02-08
MA686 Patrol to Buthidaung 1944-02-09
MA686 Escort 1944-02-10
MA368 Bawli to Buthidaung 1944-02-11
Patrol Buthidang 1944-02-12
MA265 Recce Akyab 1944-02-13
MA308 Escort Bombers to Rathedaung 1944-02-13
MA303 Altitude & gun test 1944-02-14
JL351 Air test 1944-02-16
MA302 Escort to 134 squadron 1944-02-20
MA696 Escort bombers 1944-02-21
Hurricane air test for R.S.U. Ramu 1944-02-23
MA696 Scramble 1944-02-24
JL317 Ramu to George 1944-02-27
MA696 Scramble 1944-02-28
MA677 Practice G.C.I 1944-03-04
Practice attacks 1944-03-07
JL317 Scramble 1944-03-09
MH303 Air test 1944-03-11
LZ975 Practice C.C.I 1944-03-16
JG254 ? Somewhere a flight to 1944-03-18
MA672 Blurred can't read. Fly to somwhere 1944-03-21
JG567 Cannon calibration 1944-03-24
Pratice G.C.I 1944-03-25
JF892 Scramble 1944-03-26
JG254 Scramble 1944-03-27
JG254 Patrol St. Martin's island 1944-03-28
JG253 Patrol valley 1944-05-04
JG253 Scramble 1944-05-05
LV755 Height test 1944-05-05
JG254 Scramble 1944-05-06
Patrol valley 1944-05-08
Scramble 1944-05-10
Scramble 1944-05-11
JG897 Cover for D.C.3 1944-05-20
LV660 Patrol 1944-05-21
MD255 Patrol 1944-05-23
MD255 Kangla to Imphal 1944-05-23
Patrol 1944-05-24
LV667 Squadron scramble 1944-05-24
LV667 Patrol 1944-05-25
LV667 Scramble 1944-05-29
JG254 Squadron scramble 1944-05-30
JG254 Patrol 1944-05-31
LV667 Scrambled 1944-06-01
LV667 Offensive patrol 1944-06-07
LV667 Squadron scramble 1944-06-08
LV667 Y. patrol 1944-06-09
LV667 Cover to Hurricanes 1944-06-17
LV669 C.G. attack 1944-08-05
JF715 R.T test 1944-08-15
JG254 Air test & formation 1944-08-17
JG500 Practice attacks 1944-08-21
MD227 Practice attacks 1944-08-21
LV654 Formation 1944-08-23
MD255 Aerobatics & pratice attacks 1944-08-27
MD227 Aerobatics 1944-08-27
MD227 Formation 1944-08-28
JF323 Air test 1944-08-29
JF892 Squadron scramble 1944-09-01
MD255 Section scramble 1944-09-05
JF892 Sqdn "Balbo" 1944-09-06
LV732 Balbo 1944-09-07
LV669 L/T test 1944-09-08
Wing Balbo 1944-09-08
JF615 Air test 1944-09-10
LV669 Wing Balbo 1944-09-10
LV669 Aerobatics & low flying 1944-09-11
LV669 Low fly & pratice attacks 1944-09-13
LV669 Squadron formation 1944-09-13
LV669 Practice formation 1944-09-15
LV669 Wing Balbo 1944-09-16
LV654 Wing formation 1944-09-17
LV669 Scramble (non-op) 1944-09-18
LV669 R/T test 1944-09-22
LV669 Formation attacks & low flying 1944-09-23
JF292 Wing formation 1944-09-24
MD255 Formation 1944-09-25
Interception 1944-09-28
A.L. tests. Do 1944-10-05
LV669 Sector recce 1944-10-06
LV669 Practice attacks 1944-10-07
LV669 Practice interception 1944-10-10
MD303 Rigging test 1944-10-16
JF715 Scrambled were Liberators 1944-10-19
JG500 Formation & attacks at 25,000 ft 1944-10-21
JG500 Air firing 1944-10-22
JG648 Air test 1944-10-26
LV669 Air test 1944-10-29
LV669 Air test 1944-10-31
MD303 Bombing 1944-11-02
LV669 Cross country 1944-11-02
JF630 Air test 1944-11-04
LV669 Squadron Balbo. Air to sea firing 1944-11-05
LV669 Cross country no.2 1944-11-06
JG500 Low flying 1944-11-06
MD327 To Bagar Island. Air & sea firing 1944-11-08
MD401 Low flying & Aerobatics 1944-11-08
LV669 Pratice bombing 1944-11-09
MD254 Practice bombing 1944-11-10
MD255 Low flying 1944-11-11
MD355 R.T tests 1944-11-13
JF694 Baigachhi to Palel 1944-11-15


Comments / Questions:

by: Richard Worrell F/Sgt J P Haley 2024-05-06 22:08:15

looking for any info/diary notes or pics please. An image can be found of him on the rear cover, 3rd from right, back row of "Spitfires Over the Arakan" By Norman Franks.

reply: Justin 2024-06-15 03:01:27

As you have the same name as me Worrell I'm filling in a few notes in my spare time.