

RAF 100 Years Celebrations 2018


Many of know or at least may have heard that the RAF celebrates it's 100 year centenary in 2018. In fact, the official anniversary is today, April 1, which also happens to be Easter Sunday. If you are a UK resident or visitor this spring or summer 2018, there are many celebrations and events to take part-in; some with flying displays, some strictly planted on (or in) the ground. The RAF has protected the skies of Britain for 100 years and continues to do so, perhaps it's finest moment was the Battle of Britain where the Spitfire and Hurricane were the RAF's answer.

Here's a wonderful link to help you sort through the RAF 100 events, and, if you feel there are some must-see events, particularly those with a Spitfire flypast, don't hesitate to add a comment and / or use the contact us at the bottom of this page.

RAF 100 what's on.

... and for those who want to read about a couple of former Spitfire pilots who are themselves as old as the RAF one of which who took to the skies on April 1, check this link out.

Kurt read more ...

Spitfire P7350 Battle of Britain Pin from


My father recently asked me to drop by a few days before his own birthday, pointing to a small brown box that had come in the mail. He said, "it's for you". I curiously opened it and found myself in awe as I looked down at a beautiful Spitfire pin made from Duralumin fabricated metal, from the original P7350 that flew in the Battle of Britain. Wow! I had never seen this type of thing before, and, here in my hands was a part of flying history. I also wasn't sure how I became the recipient of a gift on his Birthday but there it was.

The 18mm wide (wingspan) lapel pins are sold by the, in support of the efforts of The Royal British Legion. All purchases made from the Poppy Shop help to fund the work of the Legion, providing practical support and advice to Service personnel, past and present, and their families. It's a great cause. The pin comes in a jewelley box, with a small certificate explaining the pin and where it came from.

So out of the blue - perhaps in more ways than one - a symbol that has become an icon for ... read more ...

A Son's Tribute to 244 Wing of the Desert Airforce!


As the editor (and founder) for, I've been fortunate enough to be in touch with many sons, daughters, grand-children, nieces and nephews of former Spitfire pilots. What's almost universal about them is that in a quest to find out more, they typically end up researching a great deal about other pilots in the squadron or wing. For Kevin Charles, son of Spitfire pilot Alan Charles, this is no different. You can check out Kevin's profile on this site to see the couple of hundred pilots he's posted, along with his own father's page. Kevin has posted a considerable amount of material on the Desert Airforce, and, he attributes that in part to long cricket matches on TV allowing him to read through the ORBs. In corresponding with Kevin, I requested a short article summing up his research interest and activity which you can read below. Plus he just located his father's log book, so stay tuned for more.

From Kevin Charles on Spitfire pilot Alan Charles and 244 Wing - the Desert Airforce!

My father Alan Charles was a member of 601 Squadron and flew Spitfires in Italy at the end of WW2, and managed ... read more ...

Look up pilots on the site by Squadron number! (NEW FEATURE)


Greetings, as we head into fall -- a number of new features are being planned for the site. You may have already seen a few. For one, the squadron numbers and serials flown sections of a pilot page have been given more room, and, soon, more information (incident report) will be able to be added when adding a date / serial no in the pilots 'aircraft flown' section. That will move the site closer and closer to showing ORB / logbook details.

But one feature that was very simple to add, and, potentially very useful -- was a recent change to hyperlink the pilot's squadron number on the pilot page to go to a page that lists all other pilots having the same airforce / squadron identification -- and so far, the results are fascinating. For example one of our users (Kevin Charles son of Spitfire pilot) has been diligently adding pilots from 92 Squadron and other squadrons of 244 Wing during a particular date range primarily operating out of Italy. As a result, a lot of squadron pilots are showing up on the site, and now those that flew as part of a particular squadron can be seen on ... read more ...

Interview with Captain Balan, RIAF Number 4 Squadron


I was recently contacted by the daughter of Captain M. Balan, who flew with Number 4 Squadron of the RIAF during the closing days of WWII and subsequently with Number 4 Squadron in Japan as part of the occupying force.

I was able to ask a number of questions directly to Mr. Balan through his daughter, who was very kind in phoning her father in India to obtain the answers. Mr. Balan looks very young in his service pictures, and, apparently is doing very well at 93 and fondly remembers his flying days, and we thank him for sharing some of his stories. He was extensively interviewed on the web-site (links are on the pilot page for Captain Balan), where lots of detail can be found on his early flying days, EFTS training, and deployment to Japan where he flew the clipped wing Spitfire.

Although he wasn't in combat, flying was dangerous, as they flew for extended periods over water, over low mountains, in bad weather, in training dives (black out possibility), and, take-offs side by side fighting off immense torque by the Spitfire airscrew, applying full rudder to get in the air without incident. I loved his quote ... read more ...



A great escape of immense magnitude, where 338,000+ UK, French, and Belgian soldiers were evacuated from the choked pocket around Dunkirk. Director Chris Nolan has created what looks to be an extraordinary film using as much 'in camera' footage as possible, including real aircraft. The whole movie evokes a 'being there' sense that transports the viewer back in time. Dramatic, emotional, triumphant -- for saving the British army. On the eve of the Battle of Britain and what many feared would come next, the invasion of England itself.

There has been some rancour in the day (one story of RAF being kicked out of a pub by returned soldiers) regarding the RAF being there in sufficient force to prevent the casualties. As the German tanks stopped to let the Luftwaffe decimate the forces below, it became very desperate. The RAF did respond, in numbers, and as one source (Ellis) quotes "during the nine days from May 26 through June 3, the RAF lost 177 aircraft destroyed or damaged; the Germans lost 240 (including from flak). For much of the Luftwaffe, Dunkirk came as a nasty shock." There was success in the air, but also ... read more ...

Summer Cycle Tour / Spitfire Tour Postponed


Unfortunately the 2017 summer cycle tour of the Kent Coastline and other site stopovers (Airshows/Duxford/B of B sites) will be postponed due to injury. Kurt (founder of site) says "I am unfortunately not able to cycle this summer due to upcoming surgery in July and will have to postpone this amazing trip that is dedicated to these pilots and their efforts".

"I'll either give it a try again in October of 2017, or more than likely, postpone to the summer of 2018". On the positive side, it allows the site more time to add more pilot biographies and features.

"I'll still make a decision in August about a potential late Sept / Oct visit, and I wish everyone who uses this site the best in their own health and well being" Turchan says. If anyone was planning on a meet up, or has added a number of pilots in anticipation of the trip, please get in touch with Kurt.

Check back to these blogs to a) get an update b) leave a comment or send an email RSVP'ing your interest in a pub night when the trip does happen. The more RSVPs, the better.

Admin read more ...

Take Offs and Landings (of the Liquid Variety)


One may not have a Spitfire at their disposal, or even know how to fly, but, one can hoist a glass of ale with the Spitfire logo on it in honour of the actual aircraft and pilots. Possibly in a glass that puts in your hands. Shepherd-Neame makes the ale which they call a 'Kentish Ale'. They also make Spitfire Gold and Spitfire Lager. They all "take off" and land well in the Shepherd-Neame curved glass with SPITFIRE lettering and logo and that's what we'll have to give away this summer 2017 on our UK visit!

The potential cycle trip this summer along England's coast is an effort to collect more pilot biographies from people, see some of the sights, and, then host two group meet-ups (pub) with guest speakers. We'll have 20 SPITFIRE glasses (a squadron of glasses) to give away at these events. We will have two or three brief presentations, including one from author Ron Powell, who penned the popular "Wings Over Summer" and "Wings Over Malta" novels. Ron has had a distinguished career as Group Captain in the RAF, and, is now matching that enthusiasm with several novels from the WWII period. We reviewed ... read more ...

Tour of Battle of Britain Airfields Summer 2017


As we head into the New Year 2017, it's time to line up some new activity for allspitfirepilots . org.

One of which is a potential cycle tour (mostly on sustrans NCN routes) between Battle of Britain stations / airfields. I'd be glad to have anyone join me, cycling for a day or two or just meeting up.

The main purpose of the trip is to tour, learn, add more pilots as I ride, and, encourage others who have information to do so. While relatives from all these countries have been posting pilot information, the largest traffic base is from the UK. The decision to move forward with the trip will be based on RSVPs for a few pub nights, or, if a number of readers respond with an interest to meet up and share their stories.

We'll be adding many more pilot biographies as we cycle / visit along the way so keep clicking the "Feed" at the bottom of the site for a quick glimpse on what's new. You can sign-up to add or follow a set of pilots and get notified when new content gets added - and join in to build the history. You don't have ... read more ...

Highlights from Fall 2016


Family members continue to pour content in, and we'll cover some of the highlights. But at the same time it's not all family members, and, we are lucky to have some enthusiasts from all over the world adding content. A frequent poster to this site from Croatia has built a considerable interest in Canadian pilot JM Brodie. He was shot down (whose aircraft still lies in shallow waters) and killed while attacking shore targets. Other family members have added their fathers / grand-fathers to the site, and, in typical fashion, have taken an interest in other members of the squadron and added those pilots as well. This is a sure sign a next project will be to add squadron histories and forums to the site, allowing those who may share an interest in a particular squadron to communicate.

For now, here are some of the highlights;

K. Charles (has added his father and 7 others he would have flown with)

JR Caulton's Grand-son has added some fantastic imagery on Caulton's capture (image top)

Mr. Caulton would love to see more information posted on his grand-father, should anyone have it. For people who "follow" a pilot ... read more ...